Almost Self-Reliant
I have a mixed flock of leghorns, cornish cross, an ameraucana, an ameraucana/silkie mix and light brahmas covered by leghorns and ameraucanas. The leghorn hens don't seem to allow the ameraucana roos to breed them, but everyone else does. So, with "hen's choice" from this flock, you'll get a mix of meat birds and laying hens that lay from white, tan, light brown, olive or blue eggs. The chicks can be anything from white with feathered legs to blue. The ameraucanas are just one black ameraucana hen, and the roos are blue barred, blue barred splash and a black breasted red. I'm asking $20 for a dozen shipped, and will fit as many extras in as I can (should be at least 16 eggs). I can also do larger numbers of eggs, but you'll have to PM me with zipcode and how many you want, so I can get an accurate quote for you.