Natural Egg Hatching

The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
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Kitsap County
Due to a lack of info on broody hen behavior and the how to / what to do's on natural egg hatching I went searching this morning for info. I found 2 nice articles on it and really wish I had found them sooner, but, here I am on day 11 of my broody hens setting on eggs.

I liked this detailed write up by The Chicken Chick IS A BROODY HEN,or less) until they hatch

This one was good to,

Since I am striving to be a Sufficient Self, For me, I don't want to depend on electric incubators or hatcheries to supply a flock.
In the past, many years ago, I had a hen that sat on a few eggs and when they hatched- she attacked them, so I went and got her some already hatched chicks from a local farm store, it went fine. She raised them up.
Now, this is my second attempt at letting a hen hatch eggs.
I think new homesteaders and even we that have been at it for many years still have much to learn.
The elders should share / write down/ teach knowledge

The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
Reaction score
Kitsap County
A post from Thursday June 8th 7:45 am

I am not finding much on tending to broody, setting hens, I am winging it.

I have a small Welsummer that wanted to be broody last February but I didnt want chicks yet, but in May she was broody again so I said ok, you can sit on eggs.

On the 23rd I let her have 2 of the strongest, dark brown shelled eggs, on the 24th I gave her 2 more. Well on the 25th she broke one23rd's so I gave her on of the 25th's. so she had 4 eggs, She sat for a week, on the 30st I candled them and could see thickening,,, Well she then broke another one of the 23rd's, then another hen tried to move in and stepped on one of the 24th's Then she got off the nest for several hours, the 2 eggs left got cold and and I figured, ok this is over. that night she wanted to sleep in the nest, I left her.

On the 31st, she was more serious, So I gave her another chance I gave her the whole days eggs, 7 of them. I gave her a bigger box with nesting stuff in it, left a flap I could close so the other hens would leave her alone, She was fine, more serious / committed to the task. At night I closed the flap.

2 days later another hen went broody, OK,,,,,,

So I watched her#2, set on the days eggs from the 1st--- and at bed time, I let her set in the box with Broody#1 and gave her 2 eggs, and I put the "timeout cage " around them so the other hens would not push them off the nest. the other hens are much bigger than Broody#1.

Now, off and on for 6 days I would go in and have Broody #1 & #2 get off, drink and poop and eat,, we established a routine, #1 would drink, dig, eat, drink, poop, shake all her feathers vigorously, drink and jump up on the roost and groom herself, after about 5min I put her back on the nest. #2 she didnt poop for 3 days, she drank, ate a small bit, fluffed and I put her back.
One morning I found that #2 had in the night taken all but 2 of the eggs and pushed them under herself. No, I didnt want her to take all the eggs, so I gave her her own box, the smaller HD box, I didnt want fighting and broken eggs.

The rest of the flock harasses and runs after the broody hens, So for their protection I shut the door when I let them off the nest to eat. When #2 would get off the nest to eat she didnt seriously want to go back right away, I was worried she would let her 2 eggs get cold. So while she was out I put the 2 eggs under #1.
I dont let #1 out in the run, I put her right back on her nest with all 7 eggs, then I open the door and if #2 wants to run around she can , but the other chickens dont bother her as bad as they do #1. When she is done running around she gets in her nest with one of the fresh eggs.
Tuesday the 6th I knew we were going have a very hot day on Wednesday so I gave #1 a different nest, her own water and food, this way she can get up and down all she wants.

So to keep #2 broody she has one egg. Tuesday , I gave her one of the 31st's, and then when one of the hens laid an egg I took the 31st back, put it back under broody#1 and gave #2 the fresh egg, she was happy cuz she had an egg. And I did the same yesterday.

I know this is long and confusing :lol::lol::lol:

OK so, here we are today right now,
#1 is in her nest with all 7 eggs from the 31st ----#2 is on her nest with one egg from yesterday.
Also, When #1 gets off her nest Rooster hollers at me???????

I am going out to see if #2 has taken herself off the nest-- if #1 has gotten up to eat and poop ,, I doubt if they have its only 51 out.
At this point, the 7 eggs are 8 days old, #1 broody hen is on her own. When I go out I check to make sure all her eggs are tucked in, #1 knows what she is doing, I dont know if it may is safe giving #2 3 of the eggs from the 31st,,, We'll see haw the rest of the week goes. During the day I have to keep the other hens out of #2's nest - that's why she has only one fresh egg,,, I am not sure what to do next at this point...........


7:45am Well I went out and very slick-aly took the previously days egg—- #2 sat without eggs until some new ones were laid.

4:30pm DH and I did some work and when Rooster crowed I went to see what he needed. Well, #1 did get up and pooped and got back in her nest,,but she had rolled an egg out of the nest when she was getting comfy,, she is small and 7 eggs is a lot for her I think, so I gave #2 3 eggs, closed her box flap so the other hens couldn’t get in her nest.
That worked for a while, I don’t want the other hens to get in #2’s business.
After dinner I set them up for the night.
#1 is by the wall on the left and broody#2 on the right, she is a bigger hen.

#2 is not nice to #1, she pecked #1 on the head when they were eating, tried to run #1 off. We’ll see how this set up works for the evening, I really don’t have space for two different broody setups,,,

The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
Reaction score
Kitsap County
Today at 6am
I candles the 7 eggs that were laid on the 31st
Broody hen #1’s eggs
2 dark brown eggs 😊 get a yes look like day 11/12 in the pic below
2 dark brown eggs 🤔 get maybe 🤷🏼‍♀️ look like day 9/10 ?11
Broody hen #2’s eggs
2 light brown eggs get a 🤔 maybe 🤷🏼‍♀️ look like day 9/10
1 light brown egg gets a 🤷🏼‍♀️🤔 probably not look like day 7/8



Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
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On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
I use silkies or the incubator depending on how important it is on all the eggs hatching and how many eggs. A hen can cover more chicks than she can eggs.

Getting a couple silkies or cochin ups the chances for a broody by a lot. Silkies have kept their super broody tendencies because many people only get them because of that. Large fowl cochins are good for the bigger things and can safely free range. They are only a little bit less broody than silkies

My wheaten ameraucana would go broody once a year at most. The last hen just went broody so it's time to get chicks I think. If I don't a silkie will take care of them for me when I finally do get more wheatens.

The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
Reaction score
Kitsap County
In my quest, to be able to provide meat and eggs I truly want to get a system down. I was surprised that the Welsummer went broody at all given all the info on them claims , not likely to go broody.
This is a wonderful blessing to have 2 that did.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
I let the broody set for 3-4 days on be sure she isn't just loafing. Then I give her eggs. I like to put them in a cage around cat/dog carrier with nest & eggs inside. You've done similar. If you don't the others want to lay more eggs in their nest and broody fights when she finds another there. the hen will generally get up about every 24 hrs. Eat, fluff, drink, poop, go back to nest. I'd cover the nest area in your set up. They like to hide -- safety.

Yes, I'm curious but I usually do NOT candle. The hens will discard, often break & eat, bad eggs. So when she detects it isn't developing, gone. Mother nature at work. Once hatched, I keep cage up for couple days to bond and chicks to strengthen. Then open door of cage, they'll use it nights for 4-6 weeks.

While I have a bator, broody hen is my preference. They learn "chicken" 😄

The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
Reaction score
Kitsap County
I let the broody set for 3-4 days on be sure she isn't just loafing. Then I give her eggs. I like to put them in a cage around cat/dog carrier with nest & eggs inside. You've done similar. If you don't the others want to lay more eggs in their nest and broody fights when she finds another there. the hen will generally get up about every 24 hrs. Eat, fluff, drink, poop, go back to nest. I'd cover the nest area in your set up. They like to hide -- safety.

Yes, I'm curious but I usually do NOT candle. The hens will discard, often break & eat, bad eggs. So when she detects it isn't developing, gone. Mother nature at work. Once hatched, I keep cage up for couple days to bond and chicks to strengthen. Then open door of cage, they'll use it nights for 4-6 weeks.

While I have a bator, broody hen is my preference. They learn "chicken" 😄
I did cover / wrapped the cage with towels today due to it being in the low 50’s today. Now that I know broody hen #2 is serious I gave her her own eggs today marked the 10th. I gave her the days best and put the 3 dated the 31st back under broody #1.
Now broody #2, she hasn’t been pooping much, I am hoping she does this evening.
#1 she eats, fluff’s, eats, drinks, digs in the sand, jumps up on the roost and picks at her feathers, jumps down, drinks some more and then…. Huge, super smelly poop!
#2 she kind of does the same but doesn’t poop,,


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 5, 2018
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
The elders should share / write down/ teach knowledge
Old saying. Can't remember where from at the moment Africa or Mexico.
When an elder dies a library burns to the ground.
I let the broody set for 3-4 days on be sure she isn't just loafing. Then I give her eggs. I like to put them in a cage around cat/dog carrier with nest & eggs inside. You've done similar. If you don't the others want to lay more eggs in their nest and broody fights when she finds another there. the hen will generally get up about every 24 hrs. Eat, fluff, drink, poop, go back to nest. I'd cover the nest area in your set up. They like to hide -- safety.

Yes, I'm curious but I usually do NOT candle. The hens will discard, often break & eat, bad eggs. So when she detects it isn't developing, gone. Mother nature at work. Once hatched, I keep cage up for couple days to bond and chicks to strengthen. Then open door of cage, they'll use it nights for 4-6 weeks.

While I have a bator, broody hen is my preference. They learn "chicken" 😄
About the same here. Wish I talked to ya GP sooner.

1 thing that isn't good is to keep taking them out moving them much less switching them. Next time pull all eggs until your ready and sure they're really gonna set as MH said, then give them what you want them to set.
It really is easier on you and her doing less. Switching and mixing eggs can get you confused also the different age of eggs will hatch at different times. If you have several days difference she may leave the newer eggs after hatching older ones.
Note the eggs can be a week apart in age. Just make sure they all start the incubation at the same time. You can pull eggs and leave them room temp until you have enough or are ready.
I hope I'm not repeating what was in your article's above. Haven't read them yet.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 5, 2018
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
Side note. I've seen bantams that would set 8-10 big chicken eggs, aaaaand today is day 18 on our incubator of Cornish/backyard Cornish eggs.
No broody hen this year like normal but lost several hens last year due to predators.

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