Crazy Cat Lady
So one of my core, fallback "oh no, it's 5:40 and I have nothing thawed for dinner!" meals is to boil up some whole-wheat spaghetti and toss in a Chinese style peanutbutter sauce (pb, soy, balsamic vinegar, sesame oil, little chili oil, sugar to taste). As we were eating it tonight (with broccoli, which is excellent dabbed into the sauce, and oranges) I got to thinking.
Wouldn't it be cool if I could make a version that incorporated jelly in some form, so it could be "Peanutbutter and Jelly Noodles"?
Yeah, ok, everyone in my family thinks I'm nuts too, but oh well
Humor me. Can you think of any tasty-sounding way to add jelly to the meal? A dollop atop the noodles just doesn't sound that yummy to me.
The best I have thought of so far is to saute or broil some chicken in a jelly-based thick sticky sauce, and lay it atop the noodles. But I dunno.
Put on your tinfoil thinking hats and come up with some ideas for me! Please!
Thanks for all suggestions no matter how goofy <g>,
Wouldn't it be cool if I could make a version that incorporated jelly in some form, so it could be "Peanutbutter and Jelly Noodles"?
Yeah, ok, everyone in my family thinks I'm nuts too, but oh well

The best I have thought of so far is to saute or broil some chicken in a jelly-based thick sticky sauce, and lay it atop the noodles. But I dunno.
Put on your tinfoil thinking hats and come up with some ideas for me! Please!
Thanks for all suggestions no matter how goofy <g>,