Need help removing Chemical Residue


Power Conserver
Mar 20, 2011
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I am looking for advice on how to remove chemical residue from an elderly woman's home.

I am her Care-giver at the moment, but before I started it was her daughter taking care of her. Well, I guess the lady had fleas so the daughter bombed, and then used 2 different sprays (raid and ortho) around the house to try to eliminate them. Now the daughter is so allergic to the chemicals she can't even set foot into the house to check in on her 103 year old mother. Thus is why I was hired, the chemicals don't bother me as much, but the plan is for me to take care of the elderly woman as well as try to clean the house so that eventually the daughter can resume care for her beloved mother.

I think it's wonderful that this lady has such a loving family that wants to care for her, and I feel for the daughter that literally can't set foot into her mother's house anymore. I am looking for ways to remove this residue; the more natural the better. I washed all the tiled floors with vinegar, and I was wondering about baking soda perhaps removing the residue in the carpets? Any suggestions would be SO apperciated!! Thank you all in advance!!


Lovin' The Homestead
May 29, 2010
Reaction score
MysticScorpio82 said:
I am looking for advice on how to remove chemical residue from an elderly woman's home.

I am her Care-giver at the moment, but before I started it was her daughter taking care of her. Well, I guess the lady had fleas so the daughter bombed, and then used 2 different sprays (raid and ortho) around the house to try to eliminate them. Now the daughter is so allergic to the chemicals she can't even set foot into the house to check in on her 103 year old mother. Thus is why I was hired, the chemicals don't bother me as much, but the plan is for me to take care of the elderly woman as well as try to clean the house so that eventually the daughter can resume care for her beloved mother.

I think it's wonderful that this lady has such a loving family that wants to care for her, and I feel for the daughter that literally can't set foot into her mother's house anymore. I am looking for ways to remove this residue; the more natural the better. I washed all the tiled floors with vinegar, and I was wondering about baking soda perhaps removing the residue in the carpets? Any suggestions would be SO apperciated!! Thank you all in advance!!
I would try the baking soda it will remove vapors by adsorbing them. If that isn't enough then 'steam cleaning' will help remove solid residues. Don't forget the soft furniture and drapes. If this doesn't solve the problem have the daughter tested for specific allergies ofter these things are more pysic than real and on some level the person may just want to be free of caregiver duties. The fact that the 103 year old mother does not appear to be effected makes me wonder.


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
North Arkansas
With the baking soda, put out a couple containers of activated charcoal may help (the same charcoal used in aquarium filters). It too absorbs odors and fumes.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
I was wondering about that elderly woman as well. She sounds frail, and being exposed to those poisons can't be good for her; if indeed they are bad enough to stop the daughter from coming in.


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 22, 2011
Reaction score
Lewisville, NC
~gd said:
MysticScorpio82 said:
I am looking for advice on how to remove chemical residue from an elderly woman's home.

I am her Care-giver at the moment, but before I started it was her daughter taking care of her. Well, I guess the lady had fleas so the daughter bombed, and then used 2 different sprays (raid and ortho) around the house to try to eliminate them. Now the daughter is so allergic to the chemicals she can't even set foot into the house to check in on her 103 year old mother. Thus is why I was hired, the chemicals don't bother me as much, but the plan is for me to take care of the elderly woman as well as try to clean the house so that eventually the daughter can resume care for her beloved mother.

I think it's wonderful that this lady has such a loving family that wants to care for her, and I feel for the daughter that literally can't set foot into her mother's house anymore. I am looking for ways to remove this residue; the more natural the better. I washed all the tiled floors with vinegar, and I was wondering about baking soda perhaps removing the residue in the carpets? Any suggestions would be SO apperciated!! Thank you all in advance!!
I would try the baking soda it will remove vapors by adsorbing them. If that isn't enough then 'steam cleaning' will help remove solid residues. Don't forget the soft furniture and drapes. If this doesn't solve the problem have the daughter tested for specific allergies ofter these things are more pysic than real and on some level the person may just want to be free of caregiver duties. The fact that the 103 year old mother does not appear to be effected makes me wonder.
Just curious...Have you been effected by the residue or fumes?
Baking soda and vinegar is the way to go.

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