Lovin' The Homestead
Looking for cheap old farmhouse with 5 acres or more, no livestock restrictions, and a well. I have Crohn's (so do two of my kids), and have specific chemical sensitivities, so can't do a mobile home or newer home, and cannot handle city water. Fixer upper is fine, if structurally sound.
Actually, anywhere within about a 90 mile or so radius of Dallas is fine.
I've searched the listings every which way. Suspect what I need is not going to be listed through a realtor.
Mom to Eight, Web Designer, Milker of Goats, Feeder of Chickens
Actually, anywhere within about a 90 mile or so radius of Dallas is fine.
I've searched the listings every which way. Suspect what I need is not going to be listed through a realtor.
Mom to Eight, Web Designer, Milker of Goats, Feeder of Chickens