Have you received a ton of credit card offers in the mail? Have you received a few notes from your existing credit card companies raising your interest rates?
The credit card companies are positioning themselves to reap, or rape, as much money as they can before the new regulations take affect in 2010.
When the new regulations take affect, credit card companies:
Can't raise the interest rate retroactively, meaning if they raise your rate it can't affect existing balances.
If they say something is interest free, it has to be interest free and not a smoke screen for deferred interest charges.
Those are just two of the new regulations.
I am paying off my credit card so that , when the regulations hit, there are no existing balances. The company obviously noticed this, and has been sending all the little offers they can to try to keep my balance up.
Have you had this happen yet?
The credit card companies are positioning themselves to reap, or rape, as much money as they can before the new regulations take affect in 2010.
When the new regulations take affect, credit card companies:
Can't raise the interest rate retroactively, meaning if they raise your rate it can't affect existing balances.
If they say something is interest free, it has to be interest free and not a smoke screen for deferred interest charges.
Those are just two of the new regulations.
I am paying off my credit card so that , when the regulations hit, there are no existing balances. The company obviously noticed this, and has been sending all the little offers they can to try to keep my balance up.
Have you had this happen yet?