DomEx Hardwoods is happy to announce a brand new web-site kiln-dried Exotic and Domestic Hardwoods, which just went "live" on 9/21/09. Please see
We stock over 100 species including:
- the very best American Holly you've ever seen (pure white lumber, pen blanks, turning squares, dowels, thins / veneers etc.)
- an incredible assortment of African Blackwood (pen blanks, turning squares, turning blocks, bowl blanks, guitar sets etc.)
- the nicest assortment of Applewood you'll find anywhere
- Black Cherry, Black Walnut, Mesquite, Cocobolo Rosewood....and SO MUCH MORE!!
We stock over 100 species including:
- the very best American Holly you've ever seen (pure white lumber, pen blanks, turning squares, dowels, thins / veneers etc.)
- an incredible assortment of African Blackwood (pen blanks, turning squares, turning blocks, bowl blanks, guitar sets etc.)
- the nicest assortment of Applewood you'll find anywhere
- Black Cherry, Black Walnut, Mesquite, Cocobolo Rosewood....and SO MUCH MORE!!