Crazy Cat Lady
Me, I'd keep the meat darn well fully frozen (contrary to popular belief, some bacterial activity *can* still occur below freezing, just reallll realllll slowllllly) and eat it -- ALL of it, given the likely sanitation conditions inside the processing building -- as soon as convenient, rather than trying to keep it for later. And I wouldn't be using for, like, goat tartare 
Oh, and I'd find somewhere else to process my goats next time, and possibly write a letter to whatever state agency oversees these things. Bleah!
I seriously doubt the unwashed-hands handling is going to be an actual problem, though.
Oh, and I'd find somewhere else to process my goats next time, and possibly write a letter to whatever state agency oversees these things. Bleah!
I seriously doubt the unwashed-hands handling is going to be an actual problem, though.