I find this very interesting. My husband developed epilepsy in his 40s.
He has found the Atkins diet helpful in the past for not only weight loss, but he found that the diet agreed with him more (less gastric upset). He isn't on it now however. His epilepsy is currently controlled by medication, but I'm wondering how this works for adults.
We had suspected that my husband has a wheat allergy but now I'm wondering about this component.
Wasn't there a movie about a kid with epilepsy that was ultimately controlled by fats, called "Lorenzo's Oil" or something like that? I watched it long before I was concerned with diet and health, so I don't remember.
I had a patient who was severely damaged by vaccines. Essentially 2 days after the DPT and MMR she went into nonstop seizures. This has gone on for 10 years. She has been on all the meds..
When her mom started her on the high fat diet her seizures cut back about 70 percent... enough so she could start learning..
Mackay-since you have a medical background you should know what narcolepsy is. Do you think this diet may work for narcolepsy as well, considering it is closely related to epilepsy and is nuerological disorder too? I wonder because my husband is narcoleptic, and sometimes has what they call "sleep seizures" and moments during conversation that his brain just doesn't compute. He is on ritalin 3 times daily just to maintain wakefulness so that he can function halfway normally. He has responded well to the ritalin, better than most. I just wonder though, if his high fat consumption coupled with the ritalin is what is giving him above average results, seemingly from the medication. It's just a thought, but if he could be cured of narcolepsy via keto, that would be a HUGE blessing!! He was diagnosed early twenties, and has fought this disease for nearly 17 years. He has adamantly declined his doctors pushes to have him at home drawing disability, but that seems imminent, as he is worsening as time goes on. I think I might lose him if that happens. He DOES NOT do well sitting still! He has more energy than our teen!! There is no way that man would sit home and not steadily decline. The year and a half he was laid off just about drove both of us over the edge into insanity
abifae-THANK YOU so much for sharing this info! It is vrey interesting indeed I do hope you find more and more relief from your own medical condition. People who are healthy often do not understand how hard it is to live with something like this on a daily basis...it can be rough with DH some days, and effects the entire family. to you!
You are right, I googled it. It is about a CNS disorder, though. I thought it interesting that abifae gets results (from fats in her diet) for "brain cooties" as well.