The newest 2 pullets, hatched out by a broody hen last May, have started to lay, and the color is the oddest egg color I've ever seen. Papa is a Barnevelder (dark brown eggs), and Mama an EE (green eggs); The first of the 2 started last week, and the nearest color description I can think of is "window putty" dark brown overlaid with green, I guess. Then her sister started yesterday, and hers are almost exactly the same color! This is very annoying, as I keep a mixed flock specifically so that I can easily tell who laid what (and who has stopped, or has thin shells, or whatever). They are mutts, for heaven's sake! Least they could do is vary their colors a tiny bit.
- Actually this little smiley has sort of the same color
- Actually this little smiley has sort of the same color