Smart Red
Lovin' The Homestead
I had an empty apartment that needed work. Wednesday we went in and cleaned the wood floors, scraping paint drips, gum, candle wax, small paper stars, etc, anything that could have gotten on or into wood flooring in the past 60 years. Then we washed everything as clean as possible and the floors to dry.
While I didn't have 'before' photos, I did take pictures today.
Someone didn't sweep the closets so when I got to them, I had to leave them until later. That was the color of much of the floor, especially around the edges. The centers were bare wood and dirt in most places. I stained the whole floor to even out the colors.
Here is the stained floor.
Here, with and without shine.
Here, with and without shine.
Here is the same floor with its coating of polyurethane.
We stopped by tonight to check for drying. Here is the final result. I think it makes the apartment look so much better.
Friday we will put down another coat of polyurethane and Saturday we will have a marathon painting session (the whole place) so everything will look just right for the new tenants.
This is NOT the recommended way to re-finish wood flooring. All the "character"of the gouges, scratches, and divots is still there, but the end result is so pleasing for rental property. This is the third apartment I've performed this process on. I would probably not do a floor this way for my own home, but I do like the results.
While I didn't have 'before' photos, I did take pictures today.

Here is the stained floor.

Here, with and without shine.
Here, with and without shine.

Here is the same floor with its coating of polyurethane.

We stopped by tonight to check for drying. Here is the final result. I think it makes the apartment look so much better.

This is NOT the recommended way to re-finish wood flooring. All the "character"of the gouges, scratches, and divots is still there, but the end result is so pleasing for rental property. This is the third apartment I've performed this process on. I would probably not do a floor this way for my own home, but I do like the results.
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