Yes perennials, and specifically I would recommend the plumbago. It has a really beautiful violet bloom and requires little water and sunlight to survive. I have planted them and they look great with little maintenance and grow between 6 to 12 inches tall.
Check out They have a garden wizard where you select full sun/partial/full shade, care level, flower type & I think height level too. The sight has high-quality plants & a wonderful reputation for quality.
I love hydrangeas for the shade. Only certain types grow well here, but I'm placing great hopes on the new one coming out, Blushing Bride...sister to Endless Summer. I love reblooming perennials of any sort, but these are particularly lovely!
I have bought from Burpee before, and they are great. Thanks, for the reminder of Garden Wizard, that's a great tool for picking out plants! They have such a massive variety of everything!
It would help to know your growing zone. I am zone 4-5ish. Here is most of what is growing in my shade garden --
Astilbe - whites, reds, pinks and a lavender
Bergeinia - 3 varieties
Bleeding heart - white, traditional, yellow foliage, fern-leaf (a white and a pink/red)
Blood root
Columbine 4 varieties and new mixed seeds
Cimicifuga racemosa
Dutchman’s breeches
English Primrose 6 colors
Ferns - hardy fern collection - plus maiden hair, fiddlestick, cinnamon, Japanese painted, silver-ghost, and two others
Fuchsia Magellanica
Geraniums, hardy (cranesbill) - blue, pink, Birch’s double, Sanguimeum, Johnson’s blue, Sanguimeum ‘album’, Sanguineum ‘striatum’, Wild geranium
Goat’s beard
Heucheria - 9 varieties
Heuch-tirellia - 4 varieties
Hosta - more than 30 varieties
Hydrangea - Dwf forever pink, Annable, and 7 other varieties
Jack in the Pulpit
Japanese lily
Lamium- white, pink and lavender
Lily of the Valley - white
Monkshood - purple and lavender
Polemonium - Brise D Jnjou
Pulminaria - three varieties
Solomon’s seal, Variegated
Tirellia - Foam flower and one other
Trillium - grandiforum, yellow luteum, lemon, great white,Trillium purple
Virginia blue bells
Wood violet purple, white, and mixed colors
Along with a few more things I’ve forgotten the names of.