SW Washington -- Clark County


Sustainable Newbie
May 9, 2011
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Hello there Sufficient-Self world! A fellow goat enthusiast recommended this site for connecting with folks who are passionate about Homesteading. My fiancee and I recently left the hustle-and-bustle life of the city for 5 acres of paradise in Southwestern Washington state. For her it was a return to country living, as she grew up on 40 acres. For me however, it is something quite different. As a "city-boy" my whole life, I've had a certain amount of curiosity, interest, wonder, and perhaps a bit of fear of leaving it all behind for the rural life. So far -- all one month of it -- it's been paradise!

For now there's just the three of us: she, I, and Samson the dog. It took him the longest to adjust to country living, but it seems he's accepted it nicely. There's been one run-in with the neighbor horse that will probably leave him scarred for life but he's quite lucky. Unfortunately he didn't learn his lesson the first time, and so the challenges of adjusting begin...

We're here to network with other folks across the country / world who appreciate the wonder of nature, and recognize how blessed we are as humans to be able to understand how things work. It's sad that as a culture the farming industry is so frowned upon. Large "food" corporations are pushing out the little guy, and children of the most recent generation are absolutely clueless as to where things come from. I read in a book recently that one thing this homesteader found an appreciation for was enjoying certain crops during their harvest season. As a former city-boy, to me getting raspberries in the winter was perfectly natural. At a local restaurant this weekend I saw on the wall a quote, "once I had a ripe tomato from my garden late-summer, I could never appreciate a tomato in January ever again".

Our goal is to get as close to "off-grid" living as possible. We're vegetarians who eat eggs and drink milk, so no meat animals. We'd like to add solar where possible, and unfortunately we aren't in a good spot for wind power. We would like to get goats for milk, ducks for eggs, and possibly rabbits for manure.

...and so that is a little about us. Any Clark County, WA neighbors out there?


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Heh, were you looking at an ad for two little wethers?

Does my user name look familiar? I think I'm the goat enthusiast you mentioned because I'm also from RIGHT where you are from and recommended someone to this site recently that I met through discussing the sale of Sebastian and Buckley.

If you want a more than a couple giggles, check out OFG's Adventures of the Good Land. Lots of us have journals where we chat about what is going on.

I'm sure feeling like we are getting a late start in the county. I'm not sure what your elevation is (ours is 1700) but we have not YET planted much of our garden, we got a frost as late as last week and you know how much rain we get. :hit


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 6, 2011
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rural Abilene, KS, 67410 USA
Welcome from central Kansas!
Frost? As usual, we went from winter to summer. Hit over 100 yesterday. Had the furnace on last week.


Sustainable Newbie
May 9, 2011
Reaction score
Savingdogs: spot on! You recognized us :eek:]
thanks for your referral of this site, we've been browsing the many postings and have gotten many good ideas so far. We literally just finished moving in -- well, if you consider boxes everywhere "moved-in" -- but the housewarming is next weekend so perhaps that marks the official "moved-in" status. We're thrilled to be here, and plan on taking you up on your offer to go on a goat-walk with you!

Marianne and Lady Henevere: thanks for your kind welcomes! One of our goals in this whole homestead project was to build correspondences with others both locally and across the country. We thought a blog would be the best way, but then Savingdogs referred us here and what a great place! Hope to keep in touch with you both and the many others we'll hopefully "meet" on here.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I'm one of the "regulars" I guess...but I don't really know much, I'm the one asking the questions usually! But I'd be happy to share what I've learned about my animals. I'm glad we are finally having some warm weather, my animals are all pretty happy about that. I have an interesting group of animals currently, the rabbits have babies, I have chicks hatching in the incubator and some week old chicks and my goats are currently in milk and I still have the one youngster, my three-month old baby mini dairy goat.

You might start a journal about moving in to your place, people here can help you along. Or change the title of this thread to first Gardentree~Just moving in to our place in the country! or something like that and then people will know before they open your thread what topic you are on. To change the title you just go to the first screen of the thread and click edit there. But you should tell the story of unpacking and everything.....that is where we share our thoughts most of the time, in our journals.

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