Tales from a Forager's Kitchen


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 31, 2017
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Wow, the comments on that are brutal!
This lady lives a certain way, and wrote a book. We live in a free country. We should be able to buy the book if we wish. If we pick mushrooms, and don't know what we're doing, that's on us.
I'm betting @Britesea and @cabinguy and others here would be experienced enough to safely make the recipes, or smart enough to bypass any they weren't sure of.
And people are mocking her shirt and her husband's job choice, as if doing so gives them any credibility or influence. I don't know if I'd buy the book, but I give her credit for writing one!

What is it about social media that makes it ok to be so mean to people? And whatever happened to the saying, "if you dont have anything good to say, don't say anything at all"?:idunno

Guess I should be quiet...:\


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
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Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Wow, the comments on that are brutal!
This lady lives a certain way, and wrote a book. We live in a free country. We should be able to buy the book if we wish. If we pick mushrooms, and don't know what we're doing, that's on us.
I'm betting @Britesea and @cabinguy and others here would be experienced enough to safely make the recipes, or smart enough to bypass any they weren't sure of.
And people are mocking her shirt and her husband's job choice, as if doing so gives them any credibility or influence. I don't know if I'd buy the book, but I give her credit for writing one!

What is it about social media that makes it ok to be so mean to people? And whatever happened to the saying, "if you dont have anything good to say, don't say anything at all"?:idunno

Guess I should be quiet...:\

Some people are starnge... If you don't confirm to their belief system of what they think is "normal" behavior. The first reaction is to bash the individual.
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Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Bashing someone whose beliefs and customs are different from yours apparently validates your own?
I would not be comfortable about foraging for mushrooms yet, although I'm learning how to recognize the safe ones. Morels are kind of easy, since the only look-alike is solid at the core, while morels are hollow. I don't want to go foraging for them here though, because apparently selling morels are a major source of income for some people here, and they don't take kindly to "poachers"... I've been told some of them react violently in fact.

I do forage for elderberries a lot, but I would probably not eat them raw as they can cause tummy troubles. They make lovely jelly and pies, though... and not bad added to pancakes too!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 28, 2018
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Wow, the comments on that are brutal!
This lady lives a certain way, and wrote a book. We live in a free country. We should be able to buy the book if we wish. If we pick mushrooms, and don't know what we're doing, that's on us.
I'm betting @Britesea and @cabinguy and others here would be experienced enough to safely make the recipes, or smart enough to bypass any they weren't sure of.
And people are mocking her shirt and her husband's job choice, as if doing so gives them any credibility or influence. I don't know if I'd buy the book, but I give her credit for writing one!

What is it about social media that makes it ok to be so mean to people? And whatever happened to the saying, "if you dont have anything good to say, don't say anything at all"?:idunno

Guess I should be quiet...:\
What I gathered from the news article is the lady that wrote the book provided recipes using raw foraged mushrooms. I've been taught never to eat foraged mushrooms raw. From what I understand only a few mushrooms can be eaten raw.
This year I was at a talk about mushrooms the mushroom Guru told a story about chef at a fancy banquet that severed a salad with raw morel mushrooms that sent most of the room running to the bathroom by the end of the evening.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
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Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Bashing someone whose beliefs and customs are different from yours apparently validates your own?

IDK... I like others to chime in with different views. It's one of the main ways I learn. But if someone wants to bash on me because I have a different views then theirs, i just simply ignore them. Bashing is pretty much nonproductive.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
We just foraged for elderberries to make syrup, yes they were cooked. I made an elderberry pie, yes it was cooked. I've always been told to never eat them raw. If this lady can eat them raw, more power to her.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
I came across this looking for something else :idunno

It appears that she TOLD people not to forage without a lot of knowledge, not to use things they didn't know about and since we don't see the recipes, the product may have actually cooked the elements in question via the full recipe. There have been "backwoods people" living such lives forever. She just happened to think it would be fun to write a book. I have no issue with her -- or her selection of a way of life.

This does bring to mind the fact that it appears that 80% of any wild, foraged fruits I look to find have a WARNING when I research them. OK, I find that commendable (& a save your butt issue) for the provider. Yes some things can be harmful in one form or another. Some may not kill you but, make you wish it had! :rolleyes: I don't forage mushrooms as a wrong one can be an extreme issue. The elderberries I am watching will be cooked in some way but, I'm sure going to pick them! The wild blackberries have been delish -- I'm still here to tell about them.

I suppose that we have come to a turn in the road where people shouldn't share -- our eggs may be full of salmonella, our veggies transmit e-coli, our raw milk full of bacteria, our bacon & lard, cause heart issues....:idunno

So far, I am NOT the one who's meat, lettuce, ice cream, etc. has been recalled & put people in the hospital... Thankfully.

I'm going to keep at it....it makes ME happy. BIG commerce $$ & stupid people. :lol:

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