Lovin' The Homestead
I'd like to add my 2 cents as a retired pot head. 
I absolutely support the legalization of marijuana in every form. As some of you mentioned before most prescription drugs are far more dangerous than the most potent weed you can get. Addictive? Nope. Not physically, but mentally maybe. It's more like sugar. No physical withdrawals that even coffee would give you. When was the last time you've heard of someone overdosing from marijuana or getting into a car crash from being under the influence of it or checking into rehab for being addicted to it? But, alcohol is legal and doctors prescribe narcotics. :/
It's been proven repeatedly that the medical benefits are real as well as the massive amounts of use of hemp.
I know many many intelligent people of importance who use it. To relax or lesson pain. Many are professors and nurses.
Now, what would concern me with legalization is that like everything else that was ever good, it would turn to crap. Like soy or cotton for example. Genetically modified and doused with chemicals. Once again, growing your own would be the only way. As long as you don't get arrested for it.

I absolutely support the legalization of marijuana in every form. As some of you mentioned before most prescription drugs are far more dangerous than the most potent weed you can get. Addictive? Nope. Not physically, but mentally maybe. It's more like sugar. No physical withdrawals that even coffee would give you. When was the last time you've heard of someone overdosing from marijuana or getting into a car crash from being under the influence of it or checking into rehab for being addicted to it? But, alcohol is legal and doctors prescribe narcotics. :/
It's been proven repeatedly that the medical benefits are real as well as the massive amounts of use of hemp.
I know many many intelligent people of importance who use it. To relax or lesson pain. Many are professors and nurses.
Now, what would concern me with legalization is that like everything else that was ever good, it would turn to crap. Like soy or cotton for example. Genetically modified and doused with chemicals. Once again, growing your own would be the only way. As long as you don't get arrested for it.