I have to offer...
Graphic design and/or printing
Welsh Harlequin hatching eggs
Coturnix quail hatching eggs
Bok pak choy seeds (they are ripening right now)
or ???
No really thinking of a specific qty. I guess it would depend on what I am able to trade for it. Of course, larger qty at one time would be better on the shipping front.
I need a logo and labels for my products at the farm market.
The logo needs to say BLUE HEN FARM Rootstown, Ohio -with a blue hen picture. I need stickers of various sizes.
I plan to sell soaps, jams, baked goods, and whatever else people are buying. I'd like to have labels that I can stick on the packages, bags, etc.
I may need business cards in the future with the same or similar logo.
I have a 1/2 gallon of maple syrup or more if needed. Our family makes syrup. We sometimes trade the beekeepers for raw honey, I may be able to get some of that as well.
When Hubby and I do trades we usually do "retail for retail". I can PM you prices on various things and we can figure out a syrup and honey equivalent if that works for you.