Sustainability Master
I was asked to start a new thread about attending a meeting of the WAPF in our area so here it is...
I went with my girlfriend, and there was about 20 people in attendance. There were several little flyers available to look at about subjects such as raw milk (good), soy products (bad mostly), and a rundown of the main dietary guidelines of WAPF.
The woman that appears to be running the show talked about Dr. Price and his findings, and did a lot of talking about fermented foods. She had samples of milk kefir- some with a little honey added, some without, and gave out kefir grains to some of us that wanted them. I have mine working on some milk right now
She also talked about the importance of Vitamins A, D, and K2.
Then they had a fellow from the local CSA come in and talk about the importance of micro-greens, and proper soil preparation for getting maximum nutrition from your crops. He builds his soil with bacteria, beneficial nematodes, and fungi, which work synergistically. He also said that using heirloom seeds is better because they will only take up the nutrients they need, which will be perfectly balanced for our absorption while the newer hybrids and GMO's have been engineered to accept greater amounts of nutrients from the soil so that they will grow faster and bigger, but the nutrients might be out of balance, which can cause problems in your body.
They also talked about an article in the latest WAPF journal, about pork meat. It seems that if you eat fresh pork meat, it has significant negative effect on the blood- extremely coagulated blood and clotting factors, fatigue after eating (apparently caused by reduced peripheral blood circulation due to red blood cell stickiness and aggregation). By contrast, blood stayed normal and no fatigue was reported when the same subjects ate pork that had been prepared by marinating in a cider vinegar marinade. There was also no negative effects after the consumption of uncured bacon and prosciutto, nor was there any negative effects from consuming fresh pastured lamb chops. So apparently if you want to eat pork, it needs to be fermented with salt or acid before cooking.
I'm wondering if the coagulated blood and clotting from fresh pork might be where the medical community got the idea that saturated fats cause heart disease? After all- these are the same conditions that lead to heart attacks.
One of the women present, and her daughter, had an amazing story to share about the "side effects" of following the WAPF dietary guidelines. They started eating according to the guide last May (May of 2011, that's 6 months ago) and to date, the mother had lost 100 pounds, while her daughter had lost 60 pounds! She passed around her driver's license as proof.
I went with my girlfriend, and there was about 20 people in attendance. There were several little flyers available to look at about subjects such as raw milk (good), soy products (bad mostly), and a rundown of the main dietary guidelines of WAPF.
The woman that appears to be running the show talked about Dr. Price and his findings, and did a lot of talking about fermented foods. She had samples of milk kefir- some with a little honey added, some without, and gave out kefir grains to some of us that wanted them. I have mine working on some milk right now

She also talked about the importance of Vitamins A, D, and K2.
Then they had a fellow from the local CSA come in and talk about the importance of micro-greens, and proper soil preparation for getting maximum nutrition from your crops. He builds his soil with bacteria, beneficial nematodes, and fungi, which work synergistically. He also said that using heirloom seeds is better because they will only take up the nutrients they need, which will be perfectly balanced for our absorption while the newer hybrids and GMO's have been engineered to accept greater amounts of nutrients from the soil so that they will grow faster and bigger, but the nutrients might be out of balance, which can cause problems in your body.
They also talked about an article in the latest WAPF journal, about pork meat. It seems that if you eat fresh pork meat, it has significant negative effect on the blood- extremely coagulated blood and clotting factors, fatigue after eating (apparently caused by reduced peripheral blood circulation due to red blood cell stickiness and aggregation). By contrast, blood stayed normal and no fatigue was reported when the same subjects ate pork that had been prepared by marinating in a cider vinegar marinade. There was also no negative effects after the consumption of uncured bacon and prosciutto, nor was there any negative effects from consuming fresh pastured lamb chops. So apparently if you want to eat pork, it needs to be fermented with salt or acid before cooking.
I'm wondering if the coagulated blood and clotting from fresh pork might be where the medical community got the idea that saturated fats cause heart disease? After all- these are the same conditions that lead to heart attacks.
One of the women present, and her daughter, had an amazing story to share about the "side effects" of following the WAPF dietary guidelines. They started eating according to the guide last May (May of 2011, that's 6 months ago) and to date, the mother had lost 100 pounds, while her daughter had lost 60 pounds! She passed around her driver's license as proof.