Sustainability Master
I pulled a tendon behind my knee, limped around a few days, then pulled it again. A few days later, yup, I pulled it again.
Talk about excruiating pain! The third time was the charm, I hit the recliner with my feet up. It was then that I remembered the wine ointment.
Why didn't I think of the wine ointment the FIRST time I pulled the tendon??
Gheesh, maybe I would have been all healed up by now. So I sweetly asked for DH's help.
He was glad to help as by this time I couldn't even put my foot to the floor to walk. My knee was swollen and it hurt from the back of my mid thigh and almost to my ankle. He carefully measured out 3 cups of wine and brought it to me. I dipped 2 fingers in the wine, flicked a few drops on the back of my knee, massaged it in well and drank the rest.