Rammy's Rabbit Thread


Super Self-Sufficient
Dec 24, 2018
Reaction score
I forgot to tell y'all. He never came to pick them up. Soooo, I rebred her to BB abd she should be due March 7th. If she doesnt have kits this time shes feeezer camp bound.
I did sell Eve, the kits killing bunny. The one kit she didnt kill she ate the ears off of it and I later noticed part of the tail is missing, too.
I had thought Belle did it but did remember later that there had been blood on its head when I removed it from her nest fearing it would freeze to death being by itself, never considering she was eating it. Good thing I did because its doing well. At least its doing well for now until its 12 weeks, or its a female.
All the buns, including the kits, are snuggled in thier hutches in thier straw beds. Babies are warm and toasty in the nest box.


Super Self-Sufficient
Dec 24, 2018
Reaction score
Went and took care if the critters and saw that the wire covering with the shade clothe ontop for the chicken run has fallen down from the weight of the ice. It was about 2 ft off the ground. I closed it off so the chickens cant get under it just in case it finally collapses completely and some hens get crushed from thd weight of the ice and now its snowing. We may get up to 8" tonight
So thats going to have to get fixed when it warms up. Oh, goodie.

Here is what it looked like outside this morning. I didnt take my phone out with me to take pics of the damage but will try tomorrow.



And here is what we have gotten so far with more freezing rain this afternoon. With the snow ontop of this it ought to be fun going to work tomorrow.


To top off the coop cover falling off, my neighbor who has his cow here came to bring another round bale over for the cows. We were going to put it in the corner of the pasture where they go to use the barn as a wind break and as he was using the tractor to put it there, he snagged the overhead wires that lead from the hotbox to the fence and tore the wires down and broke the pole that was attached to the fence. Joy. Joy.
We got it fixed immediately. Luckily, I had another 2 x 2 pole to replace the broke one.
It was an accident. It got fixed. Fun Monday.

Couldnt get into my truck to get my good gloves out so neighbors wife gave me a pair to use temporarily. Finally got into the truck a few minutes ago when I went out to see if I could even get into my car.
I got the scrapper out and cleaned the windsheild off so I could find my wipers and pulled them up so they wont keep getting covered with ice and snow.
They werent pasted to the windshield like I thought they would be and was suprised.
If we get as much snow as they are predicting, I may not even get out of the driveway. If Ibdo make it to work tomorrow, and we get alot of snow, Im wondering how many grooms I'll have because Im sure there will be alot of cancellations. Cant say I blame them.


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley, Va
Good luck on the breeding... maybe she will do better this time for you. Glad the other kit is coming along... at least like you said, it has a chance. If a female, then the missing ears and all won't matter because it is not a genetic thing.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
You might ought to stay home tomorrow. Bad roads lead to wrecks. You may be doing everything right, only for some idiot to plow into you. If you do go to work, please be careful and turn on your idiot radar. :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Dec 24, 2018
Reaction score
You might ought to stay home tomorrow. Bad roads lead to wrecks. You may be doing everything right, only for some idiot to plow into you. If you do go to work, please be careful and turn on your idiot radar. :)
Im at work now. Or at least sitting in the parking lot. :celebrate roads arent too bad as far as Im concerned. Yeah, icy and snow covered, but driveable if your careful. Growing up in W. Va. this is nothing. Only trouble I had was getting off my road onto the main road. There were cars coming so I had to stop.:rant There is a little grade where it meets the main road and if its bad weather like now, its hard to get over from a dead stop.
I just backed up a little and ran for it and got on the main road.:clap
Stopped at 2 different drive- thrus and they were closed. Got my munchies at the gas station.:pop
Its flurrying a little now as I sit here.
OM texted me at 5:15 am this morning. :thI heard the ding but thought it was my neighbor. Then a few minutes l she calls asking if I was coming in or if I wanted them to cancel my grooms. I said Id be here.
Honestly, staying home when Im forced to drives me bat crap crazy. 🤪If I WANT to stay home thats different. Even if no one shows up today or I just have 2, I got out. I got out!!!!(laughing like a lunatic).:weee
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Super Self-Sufficient
Dec 24, 2018
Reaction score
Finally got pics of the caved in coop cover. It finally collapsed last night with the snow we got. Not sure how many inches we got, but at least 4", maybe 5".



I just took some wire cutters and cut the wire I used to sew it onto the chain link panels to secure it. It was just easier. Now its laying on the ground until we get the big meltdown this weekend.
We have been closing early at work due to the weather so when I saw it was caved in this morning, this got taken care of when I got home.
One of the panels is bent now because of the weight, but maybe I can bend it straighter when it gets warmer.
The shade clothe I had put over half of the run area wasnt letting the snow and ice thru. Didnt think about that when I put it over the wire. Of course, we dont usually get this kind of weather here. Mostly its cold, damp, and rainy.
When I left for work this morning, didnt have any trouble on my road. Once I got to work, that was another story. With the snow we got here, it made it a little harder getting into the parking lot. I didnt make it.
Then the OM came just a few minutes later and attempted getting in at the other entrance. She didnt make it either. So we were both blocking the entrances.
We came in and got the snow shovel and tried that at first. Nope.
Finally, a very nice man with 4 wheel drive truck came by and with his help, we got our cars unstuck and parked where we could get out later.
So, its been a FUN day.
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Super Self-Sufficient
Dec 24, 2018
Reaction score
Buns have come out of the oven.🐇🐇 🤣 Noticed fur outside the nestbox and saw the kits have been " exploring". They are BIG for not even being 3 weeks old. I checked the white one that survived from Eve's kindling and its doing great. Looks like its a male. Figures. :th
When I was looking to sex it, he decided to prove his maleness by peeing on my face. Oh, yum!:sick
Luckily, it mostly got me on the side of my face and not directly in the mouth. :sick
Moved everyone to a clean cage since I am unable to use the power washer due tonthe cold weather. Thankfully, we are in a thawout and the roads are getting clearer and safer to drive.
Ive been holed up since Friday, eating on some bbq pulled pork. Mmmmm. :drool
Still is pretty frozen in the chicken pen so Im not able to clean up the shadeclothe or wire I had to cut down to straighten up the chain link panels. Still needs some work to fix it but its going to have to wait til it warms up more. 😟
Need the windows and door replaced on the barn, and the side door by the kitchen.
Im going to take down the two hanging cages and get them ready to clean. Im thinking about taking them to a car wash and use thier washer just to clean them enough for the rabbits until its safe to use mine. Think anyone would object if I put them in the truck and washed them there? :idunno


Super Self-Sufficient
Dec 24, 2018
Reaction score
Finally got the power washer out today and cleaned some cages. Its been too cold to use it until now. Luckily, I have plenty of cages to rotate the buns with.
At first it wouldnt start and I was afraid that the gas still in it was bad, but it had stabilizer in it and its ethanol free so that wasnt it. It finally started with a few more pulls and I was in business.
Got the hanging cages taken down, washed, and put back up.
Cleaned up two weeks worth of bunny poo that couldnt be raked up because of the cold temps freezing it to the ground. Spread it on the garden area.
Took the nest box out of the pen the kits and Momma are in. They are getting so big.
Tomorrow I will scrub up the nest boxes, resting matts, and some of the metal feeders. They have been piling up for the same reason, too bleeping cold outside!
Stay tuned.

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