Do YOU need to go gluten free?


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
It seems more and more of us are deciding we need to go gluten-free. I think, honestly, if you are not feeling 100%, it is worth looking into.

I know Bubblingbrooks pushes that everyone look into adrenal fatigue, but seriously, adrenal fatigue may have alot to do with gluten sensitivites, as well as othe things, (eating alot of processed foods etc).

Do you have acid reflux? GERD? Low iron levels, B12 levels? Do you feel light headed, dizzy sometimes? Is your memory not what it used to be? Do you feel weak, tired? Do your bones ache, your muscles ache for no explained reason? Do you have issues with your bowels? Have ou been told you have fibromyalgia?

With your blood tests, have you been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease (or two or three?) or at least showing antibodies of autoimmune disease? Is yor SED rate elevated? Do you experience cramping and bloating? Do you get colds and infections easily? Have you experienced mild depression?

these are all things that i have experienced. Some people have the same , some people have more or different syptoms. What have you experienced?

I say ,as it is appearing to me that this is more widespread than originally thought, that if you are not feeling 100%, give up gluten for two weeks. It won't kill ya, but it might save you alot of grief.


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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I also frequently mention going gluten free as a part of the process.
I am certain I have had trouble with gluten all my life. Just wish I had known about it earlier in life, before things got so bad.
Right now hoping to have an opportunity to speak with a friend at church who is displaying classic gluten issues, and they are getting very bad :(


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
Mee too. I had issues my whole childhood. Looking back now, I am 100% sure it was b/c of gluten issues. Its been aomost two years GF, and I am so much better off. Not completely healed, but getting there.


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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miss_thenorth said:
Mee too. I had issues my whole childhood. Looking back now, I am 100% sure it was b/c of gluten issues. Its been aomost two years GF, and I am so much better off. Not completely healed, but getting there.
What were your symptoms?
I never new that my inability to focus and difficulty understanding most of my school work was gluten induced brain fog.
A few months after going gluten free, and as a result feeling like a new person, DH and I played a game of scrabble.
Never had done well at it, even though I enjoy the game.
I more then tripled my usual score, and we actually scratched our heads over that one for a bit, before we realized what had happened!


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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Oh! I takes a full year for gluten to clear our bodies, and then another 2 years of persistent work to heal.
That means I have another year to go :barnie


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
Bubblingbrooks said:
miss_thenorth said:
Mee too. I had issues my whole childhood. Looking back now, I am 100% sure it was b/c of gluten issues. Its been aomost two years GF, and I am so much better off. Not completely healed, but getting there.
What were your symptoms?
I never new that my inability to focus and difficulty understanding most of my school work was gluten induced brain fog.
A few months after going gluten free, and as a result feeling like a new person, DH and I played a game of scrabble.
Never had done well at it, even though I enjoy the game.
I more then tripled my usual score, and we actually scratched our heads over that one for a bit, before we realized what had happened!
I was extremely skinny, anemic, always caught every cold or flu that was around. Later my bowels started acting up. I was told I was lactose intolerant, and it di help a very tiny bit, but alwasy had issues. It progressed after my son was born. It seemed every year there was something else. That was 15 years ago--13 by the time I went GF.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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I am still not sure if my issue is gluten or just wheat. Either way, there were symptims that were not diagnosed when I was a child.

Ear infections, tonsilitis, frequent colds and flu, and...the biggie..... HYPERACTIVITY. If i were a kid in school today I would so be on ridalin! Then as a teenager, acne, horrible periods, moodiness, brain fog... it wasnt until I had a terrible hive break out in college that I had allergy testing and it came out I reacted to wheat.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
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east central Ohio
Hi, Miss, this is a question I've been trying to wrestle with. I don't think any quick test at the doctor is going to really tell me anything. Besides my doctor on record doesn't know me or my full history, so I'm really just researching it out on my own.

I have lots of symptoms and so far I'm on no meds:
skin flare ups of extremely dry or itchy patches
occasional acne break outs
I think a MSG sensitivity leading to cramping, bloating bathroom trips
Migraines at least twice a month (including nausea and sensitivity to light and smells)
Depression and mood swings and a clutching feeling of anxiety in my throat
want to sleep a lot with low motivation to move and do
bouts of weakness (not always related to hunger)
briefly dizzy on occasion
some flutters in my upper chest or neck on occasion
poor memory, poor follow through on tasks
unexplained muscle/joint aches that come and go
sinus flare ups (sniffles, runny eyes, headache)
excess ear wax
eye twitch (though not recently)

So far no real issue with acid reflux or many colds or flu like symptoms.

My ability to concentrate and my mood swings seem to get notably worse every decade. I just hit 40 and it is worse than ever. I had my gall bladder out at age 28, and at that time the doctor said I probably had IBS. About ten years later, I went to a wellness clinic and did saliva test that showed presence of Candida Yeast, and I did a cleanse that helped but probably didn't solve anything. Recently (or 6 years later) I've had more mood swings and what probably is depression. I'd sleep most all the time if I could. I wake up feeling like I was run over by a truck. I know thyroid can play in here, but also know that when overtaxed by a leaky gut the adrenal glands suffer.

So, I've been thinking my plan of attack is to heal the gut. I'm looking into supplements like NOW's Candida Clear. But in the process I'm going to attempt (already have started) to remove as much processed food, added sugars, and grains as possible. I'm not going to freak out about a little gluten here and there as I don't think I'm that sensitive -- and it is hard to justify to family and friends when there is no "official" doctor's diagnosis. :/

I'd rather try healing than forever avoiding, so I may eventually end up doing the GAPS diet -- if I can get Mom on board.

It is hard and I applaud anyone who can go totally GF in a family where others still eat it. My mom is diabetic and a lover of bread, cereal, and such. She gives me grief and asks why I'll trust an article online or a book like The Mood Cure or Wheat Belly more than I trust mainstream lines of information like "doctors" or even national news. Then one day she read in Prevention magazine about cutting down on the grains for health and started to believe some of what I've been trying to say -- though she hasn't given up on the grains yet. :he I love her, but I can also see where diabetes, weak heart, medication, and even food addictions don't help her reason well. :hit


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
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east central Ohio
Oh, yes, Wife, I have had frequent ear infections and ear tubes when I was around age 4. Hmm Could things have been starting for me that far back?

And to rant a bit, today I mentioned feeling out of sorts and working on mood swings to a coworker, and the first thing they said is to go to the doctor to get check as they are sure there is a med for that. I don't want to be on MEDS! Guess that is why I avoid the doctors like the plague. I've seen what meds have done to my mother. You should see the size of her pill box. :barnie


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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BeccaOH said:
Oh, yes, Wife, I have had frequent ear infections and ear tubes when I was around age 4. Hmm Could things have been starting for me that far back?

And to rant a bit, today I mentioned feeling out of sorts and working on mood swings to a coworker, and the first thing they said is to go to the doctor to get check as they are sure there is a med for that. I don't want to be on MEDS! Guess that is why I avoid the doctors like the plague. I've seen what meds have done to my mother. You should see the size of her pill box. :barnie
Oddly enough, our mothers actually get these things started for us, preconception.
Reading your list, you are classic gluten intolerant, which will never show up in a test for celiacs.
Along with that you certainly have some level of adrenal fatigue.
Assuming you have read The Mood Cure, following Julie's guidelines, you should be able to heal.
Just going gluten free will have you feeling better in days!
I have only read bits of her book, and I need to see if our library has it so I can read all of it.

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