Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Whew, FEM, I finally caught up with you!!
Hope that ankle is doing a bit better. Try the KT tape, just got to Youtube and search for videos on how to put it on and you can find lots of helpful stuff. Message me if you want more tips, it's great and supports in a way that vetwrap can't. Love love love that stuff.

Heh, single digits isn't uncommon here in MD, either. We don't go to the negs that often, though two winters ago it was brutal and we dipped to -5 at the lowest, with lows in the negs a few nights, which didn't include the wind chill. I've had ice crystals on my eye lashes from the tears that can't help but come out of my eyes from the cold. And my eyes were the only thing left uncovered! I keep thinking someday I'm gonna get goggles, then I'll be TOTALLY covered. But I'm always cold, so MD winters are as much as I want to deal with... my sister lived in NH and loved it... no thank you!!! LOL (Maybe CO, the winters are different in CO, much more sun...)

LOVE your piggies so much!!! They're so cute and sound like so much fun!! Maybe someday...

And btw, your hand warmer idea is a good one. Don't knock how much heat it can produce. There are people here that will take a small tupperware and put a handwarmer in it, and then put it in the bucket of water for a horse. The action of the floating bottle helps keep the water moving, and the hand warmer puts off just a bit of heat to help keep it from freezing. Of course, you have to have a horse that won't eat the bottle to do it with, but it does help. Your idea to do hot water bottles might work, too. But also remember that producing heat inside there could also create condensation. Not entirely sure of your ideas, but it's just something to contemplate.

It's getting cold here, too, and gray, which makes me kinda grumpy...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I've been using the KT tape for about a week now. Did just what you mentioned and watched some youtubes for instructions on application. I really went into it with a healthy skepticism, lol, but I can definitely tell a difference when wearing it. I don't know how or why it works - but it works and I am all about that!

Turns out that our low tonight will be roughly 34 degrees...supposed to freeze more from mid-Houston area and north so I think my plants will be safe. Yesterday evening I took a bunch of hay and put it pretty thick on the ground around the plants, and then started building upwards being careful about the little branches. I put a wire cage made of 2x4 welded wire around the plants and filled the entire thing up with hay so they're pretty well protected. That should be enough for now. If we were getting colder than that I'd probably wrap the cages, but don't think I'll need to do that for this little cold snap.

Crazy winds today though. It makes it feel so much colder, but at the same time it sure helps dry up all the mud we have right now so I'll take it. I'd rather deal with cold than mud any time! I do whine about the cold, but with a couple layers I'm pretty good and usually end up a little too warm if I'm doing any heavy work outside.

Still hoping the gilt holds off and doesn't farrow in this weather! But, her piggie boobies are filling out a little more every day. Right now I don't have her separated from the other sow and pigs so I want her to give me just a little more time!

This weekend I'll kick the other mother and her babies to the outside pen. It has a small shelter that butts right up to some round bales that they like to snuggle under, so with both of those options I think they'll be fine. The piglets are old enough now to produce some of their own body heat so they'll be fine with a bunch of hay to snuggle down into. And, they are so active and cute running around and playing with each other even out in the cold.

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
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It was 32 tops at my house today and the pigs were playing in the stream... Seriously guys?

I guess I'm just used to NH winters. I don't enjoy it when it gets into the negative numbers but I prefer to crank the heat and stay inside over having to deal with the summers you guys have ugh!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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In. The. Stream.....oh my, lol.

Anytime we've raised feeder pigs we would get them in the fall and kill them in the spring before it got too hot. Pigs and the heat we have here is not a good combination. But, this summer I let the AGH's free range and they spent a lot of time in the little bitty wooded area that has a little bitty pond - OR - in the big pond so they took the heat pretty well. My concern about the babies was that I "heard" that they can't produce their own body heat until they're two weeks old...:hu But, when I first got these pigs it was February this year and I bought the sow with two 12 day old babies and they were fine. I would go out to feed and not see any babies at all and then the hay pile would explode and the babies would come busting out of there, lol. I think these guys will be fine! I wish they'd get big enough to turn loose in the pasture - but that'll be awhile. Right now they can fit through the fences and I'm not gonna have that!

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
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Yeah everyone does the opposite here. Raise them from spring to fall. A good portion of people who raise animals get rid of them before winter. Obviously not people with milking animals but a lot of people raise meat birds and pigs and just have laying hens for winter. This year we have more animals for winter than we ever have. But the pigs are easy, we'll just have to stay on top of their pen if we get deep snow or they'll walk right over the fence, lol!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Yep, I want to get a pic of me sitting on him holding a couple of chicks. Then I can send it to all my biker friends. After all, sitting on a hog and picking up chicks is supposed to be fun

Sounds like a calendar pic & byline to me :lol:

FEM -- sure hope that gilt holds a few more days!!!


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 26, 2016
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Wow, what a great idea. A personalized calendar for friends and family.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
I actually had to bust ice off the animals water buckets this morning! :ep I went out with a tea kettle full of boiling water and poured over the top, then poked the ice. It was 22* last night.

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