That would be my luck, ugh. But, I am hoping that she stays on the three week schedule that I have in my mind for her. When the first sow didn't deliver when I thought she would - I waited three weeks (when her next cycle would have taken place) and by golly that worked. Mostly. I was a couple of days off in my guestimate, but close enough for guberment work, lol. So, if the gilt follows the same three week cycle I think it might be early next week - or three weeks after that. She and the sow were cycling at the same time when the boars were with them the first time. That's all the information I have to go on cuz I never saw any "action" except the boars following 'em around. Sneaky little critters!
I'm gonna work through lunch today so I can get home early. I have a tomato plant to save, lol! (and a few other things to do before the coldness). It's in a big round tub and I already have some wire cages that fit right into the tub. So, I think I'm gonna surround the tomato plant with hay - put the wire cage around it and fill that with hay and cover the whole thing.
I had a semi silly/serious thought this morning. I have about a zillion of those hand warmer thingies you put in your pocket - or your boots - or on your skin when it's cold outside. I wonder what would happen if I stuck one of those on the inside of the bucket that the tomato plant is in. I'm curious if it would put off just enough heat to keep the temp up a few degrees in the little mini-greenhouse that will surround the plant? Might try it just because I can.
My neighbor kept a few alive through the winter a couple years ago. She had the earliest tomatoes EVER by doing that. By golly if she can do it...
I saw hand warmers at the Dollar Tree but I think they were very small and only like six in the package. I'm not sure how much warmth those tiny things would offer.
That's a good idea! Maybe I can take some Ziploc bags and fill 'em with hot water (and stick a hand warmer on 'em) to keep some heat in. I think I'm a little obsessed with this hand warmer idea!