hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 26, 2016
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I hear roosters crow all day long here in town. I'm thinking the town doesn't really enforce the no rooster ordinance unless someone complains.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I hear roosters crow all day long here in town. I'm thinking the town doesn't really enforce the no rooster ordinance unless someone complains.
Then build a small coop that you can move with you and get a few hens.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Our county is goofy, and if somebody reports you then that's it, you're done. And they require over an acre to have any hens at all, which is just silly.

Still not much to update. More boxes packed (no where near what I want done, I'm beginning to feel pressure to get more done more quickly). More leads investigated and crossed off the list. And we're pretty much right where we started. This is the biggest test of my faith that I've ever had. It's a roller coaster ride dealing with the BF because every time he talks to someone else he shifts his energy to something different. The latest is that his dad offered him (his mom ISN'T on board, and frankly, I'm not either) that he would buy a piece of property, and then pay for the house to be built, and then "sell" us the mortgage for what it cost when it's complete. We can't purchase property on our own because we have no equity to start with and we'd need 20% down, so his dad is offering to front it to us and then we'll just assume the mortgage into the BF's name once it's complete. There are so many moving parts with this one that I really don't think it will work, but the BF has his hopes all up. I'm not convinced that even though he, his dad, and his uncle can do most of the work that this will work out. It also means living in his parent's house in his old bedroom for the duration of this experience. While that would save us money and allow us to pay the mortgage to them for whatever it is while the house is being built I'm NOT interested in doing that. I'm old enough to not have any interest in sharing a house with 6 other people while having a tiny bedroom to myself, not even to myself, really, because I'd be sharing that with the BF. I also have 2 cats and a chinchilla, and they're NOT living in a single bedroom with me. I'm just too old for that arrangement, and as a high sensitive the mere thought dang near sends me into a panic. Not to mention that it would be extremely difficult for me to run my own business while doing all of that.

So yeah. We've got another lead we're exploring. If it is good enough it would be great. We'll see.

Really, nothing else to report.
Oh, except beautiful amazing gorgeous weather! I'm on the 20th day of open windows/no a/c, and even before that I got over a week in August with the windows open, too. It's been GLORIOUSLY BEAUTIFUL and I am SO happy because it means our power bill will be CHEAP before we leave, and every bit helps!!

Oh, it all helps because my boarders are basically gone. One of them left at the beginning of the month (and unfortunately she lost one of her horses to colic right before she left). Another is leaving later this week. And the last one is jumping ship and going over to DB's part of the barn because she's staying with her at the farm, she worked out some agreement with DB to stay, which is extremely disappointing that she isn't going to at least stay with me until the end of Oct when I have to leave. So Storm might be by himself. He's normally fine in the field alone, so I'm hopeful that he won't mind living alone for a few weeks until we have to move. I'm also trusting that this is the right thing and that maybe I'll have a place to put him by the time they move him the second week of October. That's still a few weeks away so a lot could change between now and then. Who knows, things could happen super fast (hence the self imposed pressure to pack up QUICKLY).

So. Yeah. No real news, and a lot of floundering around. I've been working with gratitude books to help make sure my energy is staying where it needs to be, and that's helping tremendously. I blew through Thank and Grow Rich which was fun and awesome, and now I'm working through the exercises in The Magic. It's keeping my focus in the right place, which is really difficult with the BF swinging around like a kite in a gale with his energy.

I'm in the office this week covering, which is great for the paycheck. I'm trying to be diligent and still packing and doing a little bit every night. I did get a box packed last night, and then soaked in the tub, too, which made me feel better. We did get quite a bit done this weekend. There was an old washer that we put outside to use for barn stuff that had died, so we got that out of the little shed it was in, plus moved all the garden tools into the bigger shed where they are all together. We also cleared off the porch in case we got any dregs of Irma, which it looks like we aren't, but the porch is clean! We ripped out the garden bed and spread seed so that can be returned to grass again. That wasn't difficult because it had been covered with plastic (finding the bricks that were holding the plastic down was tricky under the weeds though!), and the sides of the box were rotting away. So we ripped out all the big weeds, pulled up the boards, and dumped it all in to the edge of the trees, and then we pulled up the plastic and bricks/rocks, and then raked it out so that it's mostly smooth. The dirt is really soft since it had been tilled before we put the plastic down, so it will settle in as it rains. We spread grass seed, and we're getting a bale of straw from my hay guy today to put down before we get 2 days of rain Wed and Thurs (or Thurs/Fri... whatever). So that's all done, which makes me feel good. I need to double down on getting things packed up in the house. I've got about half my books packed, and there's still a LOT of miscellaneous stuff that needs to be packed up, gotten rid of, or thrown away. I've got a large pile that will either go to goodwill, be sold, or freecycled, I really can't decide which. I wanted to do a yard sale, but we don't have enough to actually sell, and we don't have a location to sell that is good. So it's still sitting up in the hallway right now. It's probably going to end up going to goodwill because I'm tired of looking at it.

So yeah. That's the scoop. I just keep on trucking.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Wow! Sorry you're still in limbo - that's such a bad place to be. :( I don't think I would be too thrilled with the prospect of staying with BF's family either - even temporarily. It is so very stressful living with other folks when you are accustomed to your own place.

It does sound like you're making some progress even if it's not at the pace you wish it to be. At least some progress is better than no progress!

Hang in there!


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score
:hugs I hope the perfect place will show up for you soon! In the meantime, keep plugging away with the packing. You'll be glad for every packed box when the serious packing and moving rolls round.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Whew. Things have been tough!
This weekend started with having to get KN from the airport at 11:30. That STUNK. I was tired so I fell asleep, and then when I woke up I checked the flight time and it said on time, and then I looked when I woke up a half hour later right before I would have needed to leave and it said EARLY! It's an hour drive to the airport, so she sat for about 30 minutes which didn't make me happy as late as it was. So we didn't get home until almost 12:30 at night. I had trouble falling back asleep after driving around in all the bright lights. We did have a good chat on the ride, she survived the storms in FL ok, and they did end up evacuating the horses, so she's been wrestling with all that for the past several weeks.

My lesson wasn't until 10 the next morning, which was good, and the first lesson canceled, so she got a little break and I was able to make her breakfast before we started. I always like it when I get more time to chat with her. My lesson went VERY well after he and I got over our jitters of getting back to work since I haven't touched him in a month. Wayyyy too long, really. Apparently HE did his homework though, even if I didn't, and KN could see improvement in his quality of movement. That's what I LOVE about these techniques, there is a difference even when the horse isn't worked as often.

The afternoon didn't go as well as I had hoped, we went back for another visit to the one property we've been looking at and took the BF's dad. That annoyed me because he took almost 2 hours of time, while the poor homeowners had to sit outside waiting for us. It was just plain rude, but he doesn't think he's being an a**. He was also focusing on a lot of details that don't matter yet - all I really wanted to know was if he saw anything GROSS that would have meant major expenses for us if we chose to buy the house. Any reason at all that we should have stayed away from it. And he didn't find anything. So instead, he's nit picking about how the railing on the steps isn't up to code. Our realtor was helpful, but he was also clear about the amount of money we need if we want to actually put in a bid. Truth be told we don't have any money right now. We barely have any extra cash saved up, so there just isn't anything that we can use to put down payments and all that.

We finally got home and the BF and I weren't exactly peachy, and so things were a little stressed. I finally got on him about what he was actually going to do to prove to the universe that he's really ready to do something. I'm so tired of changing our minds over and over again. Let's buy a house, no let's buy property, no let's just rent a house, no let's rent a farm, no, never mind, I'm just going to go crawl in a hole somewhere and not come out for six months. It's supposed to work for the groundhog or something right?

Sunday we did manage to get some things done. We got most of the work done on the hay feeder we're building for Cowboy and Coyote, they purchased a second one, and as soon as it's done then we get $350.00 more of income! So, yeah, that needs to happen. The BF's grandmother is turning 80, and they were having a surprise party for her but I just couldn't people anymore. I'm so worn out right now that my coping skills are low. The thought of having to hang around 20+ people and talk about this move crap MORE and how 'have you done this' and 'what about that' that we've already hashed over 50 billion times already was NOT appealing. So I stayed home. I know the BF was disappointed, but at this point my sanity is WAY more important than a get together. I told him that later we'll have to make a special trip down to see his grandparents at their house, and I know she'll appreciate that anyway.

So instead I stayed home. I did my part in cleaning out the freezer by polishing off the rest of a small container of Talente (don't hate.... :hide) and then went and took care of CC before they finally return home (only to leave again Mon afternoon. Yes, it's Sunday evening at this point). Then I came home and took a nice long soak in the tub. The sunshine was falling into the bathtub and it made it so bright, it was really delightful. I had no idea how fun sunshine in water was, but I was happy that it worked out that way. Then I made myself some tomato soup and mexican grilled cheese for dinner. I was proud of myself for adulting. I cleaned up the kitchen and then went and meditated and did my gratitude writing work. I took care of a few things on the computer, and then started cleaning up for bed. Another load of clothes went in, the dishwasher got prepped to run, and I cleaned the litter box. It was a great evening by myself, and I'm glad I stayed home, also because the BF didn't get home until about 9:00. He's always late leaving the family get togethers, which is the other reason I don't like going as much.

I'm so tired and stressed right now that I autopiloted myself right back to Cowboy and Coyote's this morning instead of coming straight to work. Thankfully it wasn't much more than a few minutes and a little gas wasted, but still. I would have preferred NOT to do that. They're gone so dang much that I just automatically drive to their house every morning and evening it seems. My truck could probably drive itself there by now. I have double duty starting this afternoon. PH is away, thankfully she lives down the street, but she does keep her horses in so I have to clean 3 stalls. Thankfully it's only 3 so that won't be difficult.

I was supposed to get together with a friend tomorrow but we mixed our signals and apparently she had us down for Wed. So she's checking her schedule to see if she can swap things around. I want to get together with her badly, but if not, then we'll do it next week. I could use the day to focus on stuff at home anyway. The rest of the week I'm in the office covering for somebody that's away. I'm trying to stay out of people's way as much as possible just because I'm feeling rather fragile right now, but the extra income will be very very helpful right now. AND hopefully I'll manage to get a bonus the middle of October, that would help a LOT to take care of a number of things!

So no real good news yet. Still chugging along, not by choice. I'm beginning to be concerned that everything is going to shift at once and I don't feel prepared for that! Going to try to do what I can to change that this week!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
GIRL!!! All I can say is :th. You've sure got a lot of crap going on in your life right now. I think you made exactly the right decision to stay home from the family b'day. I'm sure gramma will appreciate a personal visit a lot more anyway.

Really hope you have an easier time of it soon. I know things are really going to be hectic until you get settled somewhere.

Glad you had a good lesson! Gotta take the little victories when you can! :hugs


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Thanks FEM & Sumi :hugs
Still nothing to report. We found a place we liked, but needed a lot of work. We were going to put a bid in this week, but it's already got a contract. Waiting to hear back from the realtor about what to do. He was going to call the realtor the house is listed with and see what he could find out. Keep your fingers crossed that it falls through. It's cute, but needs a lot of work (read: everything updated). But it will work well for us, and has quite a bit of potential, so that is a good thing. If we get it, we could sell it later after it's been updated for a decent amount more, so we should end up making money on the deal. And if the market were to crash, the updates would keep us from losing money on it.

Otherwise, nothing to report. Still packing. Still moving crap around. Got the hay feeder finished for my friends finally. It was a bit of a fiasco delivering it, but we finally got it straightened out and installed. We also got the hay out of the barn and down to my hay guy yesterday. He'll keep it for me until I need it. That's a huge relief to have that done and also safe so that I will have hay when I'm ready for it. I had about $1000 in hay still in the barn.

Now I've just got to double down for real on packing stuff up and getting ready. Still don't know for what, but if it isn't done it will be more that has to be done later. We're going to go to a community yard sale this weekend and try to get rid of a bunch of stuff. I hope we can make some $$ AND have less crap, too!

Thankfully the weather has been GORGEOUS and cool, it was 41 yesterday morning! And of course, all my winter clothes are packed already. Like packed packed... But the weather is helping me to get stuff done easily outside. It looks like rain is in the forecast most of next week, and a lot of what we need to sell is out in the shed anyway, so I should probably try to get more work done out there so that I can get the inside stuff done while it's raining. I guess we'll see how it goes anyway.

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