Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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It sounds like you can do with a nice, long vacation. And with that I don't mean go home and work there! :hugs
HA - you know me well, lol! I will be taking some time off...just waiting for my co-workers to get settled back in. One is on the second week of her two week vacation - then she'll only be back for a few days before she moves on to her other job. This is our director who got a promotion but it left us short-handed for the summer. We were supposed to hire a new director but never found the right fit - so she came back to help out. But she'll be moving on again. My other co-worker is off the rest of this week and Monday of next to get one of her daughters settled in at college. After that - I'll be using up some of this comp time I've accrued! YAY! The problem with DH changing jobs is that every time he changes jobs he has to start accruing time all over again....sigh.

I wish my tractor was big enough to lift round bales. :\ Jealous.
I couldn't live without it. Even though I bought 50 "justincase" square bales this year I could go the rest of my life and never stack squares again and be soooo happy! These last rounds I got are HUGE! So glad ol' Blue was able to lift 'em - geeze!

Conan can open his gate. ARGH! Guess that gives me something to work on this evening. I was in a race with a storm cloud last night to get feed unloaded before it got wet. I rushed and rushed and was about in cardiac arrest right before the clouds opened up. And then it poured for about 18 seconds and was done.... geeze louise. It did get a little cooler so I decided to catch the "little monster" (aka Freckles) and get him disbudded. He is absolutely NUTSO! Not a friendly bone in his body. Every time I want to hug and squeeze him I have to chase him down. Makes 'em a lot easier to move on down the road when they act like that.

I think DH is getting an assistant! Woo hoo! He definitely needs one - so :fl


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
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Oh, that would be an amazing help for your DH! :fl And yes, I do know you well! lol You'll be finding things to do no matter what :) Hopefully you'll get a chance soon to use up some of your comp time and get a break from work (job) at least. When your DH has enough time saved up you two can come here and we can go explore some castles. What do you say? ;)

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
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Oh that would be so great if your husband got some help!

Having wild bucklings is about the #1way to not keep babies! That's not always a bad thing. I have one. He should be yummy.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Yep, Freckles is definitely on "the list." I haven't figured out which list he's on but he's on either the: wether him and eat him list - or the: sell him as soon as he's weaned list. Oh wait - I could create a new list: sell him and his mama together list! Nice to have options!

Saw that the three mama hens that are sitting on one nest have a baby this morning. Not sure how all three of 'em are gonna share one baby - but that baby oughta feel very loved and protected. Like I need more chickens...argh.

We are enjoying a tiny bit of less hot weather right now. We had a "cold" front come through but it's actually more of a dry front than cold. It lowered the humidity and the morning temps so I'll take it! Hope it holds out until the weekend, but I think it's supposed to get wetter and hotter starting tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow - it's the last Friday that the college is closed for the summer. Fall semester is starting soon and we'll be back to a 5 day work week. Bummer. I feel a little cheated because I worked 3 of the Fridays that we were supposed to be off. Good part of that is that I earned 40 comp hours for that. Yay - I do see some more Fridays off in my future.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Jet stream has dipped all the way down to you and scooped up the rain, then carried it to ME. That is just too, too, tooooo selfish. I would like you to have some back! Can't get anything dry enough to mow, dig, till, even walking requires tall boots to go thru the tall grass -- or you are wet from knee down. And you know how the does feel about it!

Oddly, the buck is stomping thru it. Tough and all that :cool: maybe it will wash some stink off. :D He wanted to rub on me yesterday -- no, no, no. I did love on him but, limited.

Hey, you could take a lot of Fridays off with CT !:)

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
Oh ew to 5 day work weeks. You seriously need a vacation. Take one when it's not so hot and you can enjoy yourself though!

I vote for wether and eat him!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Oh ew to 5 day work weeks. You seriously need a vacation. Take one when it's not so hot and you can enjoy yourself though!
I do need a vacation! I'll probably dribble out my comp time and just take a day here and there. I may wait on most of it until/if we get a real fall season. Too hot to enjoy much outside time and who wants a day off just to stay inside? Not me!

If DD follows through and comes to visit in a few weeks I plan to kidnap a couple of grands for a few days. That'll give me a good excuse to use some of that time.

Guess I have no more does that are/were due cuz it's august and nobody else kidded in July. I really thought I saw some of the young gals getting a tiny bit of udder development - but maybe it's just a hormone surge in preparation for breeding season? I have seen some fence flirting lately! Conan is still pursuing his gals - even though I tried to separate 'em....he learned to open the gate and I still haven't changed the latch. Silly boy.

He is getting much taller, but I am so NOT happy with his rear leg conformation. He's narrow and cow-hocked and I shudder every time I look at him from behind. That kind of rear end will wreak havoc with udders...ugh. I guess that'll make me dis-inclined to keep his offspring unless they are in the freezer. That's not altogether a bad thing.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
He is getting much taller, but I am so NOT happy with his rear leg conformation. He's narrow and cow-hocked and I shudder every time I look at him from behind. That kind of rear end will wreak havoc with udders...ugh. I guess that'll make me dis-inclined to keep his offspring unless they are in the freezer. That's not altogether a bad thing.

We both know that buying young has risk. Most times if both parents are as we want, the kids will be. It's still a gamble, just better odds. :rolleyes: He isn't old enough to see how well he will flesh out and isn't that why you bought this kind? Kiko, right? As he ages, matures those muscles he may look better to you. Only time --and a lot of saved kids :lol: -- will tell for sure.

I have his cute Saanen & he's at the "odd, lanky" stage too. There are those "why'd I buy this?" days. Then, I remember mom & dad -- and chill.
There was size & udder galore. I am sure gonna have a field of white! Have about 50% white now, 30% black or black/white, 20% tan/white. I get some lovely chocolates, even named a doeling Hershey. Perfect color. :D Now, if only her milk would be...ok, city slicker thoughts. NH says, it will keep sales going should you decide when his kids are born, that you still think Conan is not as hoped. For me, I hope Romeo gives me a lot of doelings! Milk factories to sell!

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