Sustainability Master
Awwww, how sweet!!! Unusual for a hunting dog to not chew on a hen, so that's one special dog you've got there.
I hope he can deter the 'yotes from your place....and especially keep them from sitting in your living room.![]()
Sorry you lost a bird - but did you have a 2 footed predator also with all the doors/gates left open?
Some days I am more worried about the 2 footed varmint than the ones on 4 feet. I have set up a trail cam in the barnyard to see what is coming and going in the area around the buildings. Sometimes it seems that I had visitors during the day while I was at work...
I was interested in how the 'yotes got into the living room also.
We have a couple of packs around us. We can hear the ones in the woods to the east yapping and the pack to the south-west will answer back.
My brother's lab would retrieve just about anything that B-I-L hunted - grouse, duck, goose and even used him for tracking blood trails a time or two to find shot deer that got into the swamp and laid down to die. That dog only touched one bird when they visited his sisters hobby farm. The first time they went to vist after she got chickens and ducks, the dog "retrieved" a duck from the pond. BIL took the bird from the dog and looked it over really good, told the dog "Leave It" and let the duck run off to join his flock in the pond. No damage and hardly any feathers ruffled on the bird when the dog handed it over. That dog never touched a single bird on the property after that. A good hunting dog (I am talking bird and gun dogs) have a soft mouth so they don't damage what they are retrieving.
In my first marriage I had an English Setter. My exH fancied himself a bird hunter. He missed more than he got lol. But, this dog was awesome. She's go through a field, snap a point and never move - unless the bird moved and she'd creep along for a few seconds and snap into a point again. DH would ease up to her, flush the bird and take the shot. IF he missed... I swear the dog would give you a dirty "go to he** look" before she'd start hunting again. Awesome retriever too...if you shot it - even in heavy brush she'd find it. She was a great dog!