Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
What's the deal with the follower? Just along for the walk?
Took me a minute. I had to reread post.What's the deal with the follower? Just along for the walk?
I don’t have true Celiac but I also get very sick when I eat bread. I have an aunt who does similar and she figured out it’s the roundup (I believe it’s the round up) used on the wheat crops. I trusted her and tried pasta from Italy(illegal to use most chemicals on crops over there) and I am perfectly fine. Get a few crumbs of American wheat and I’m sick as a dog. Perhaps it is something in the wheat itself from when it was grown?Seitan makes a great meat substitute. Has texture and everything. Used to be considered a health food until people freaked out about gluten since it's all gluten.
I have family that are actually celiacs and then some that are nuts and think it's cool to claim to have it like so very many people do now (as everyone watches them eat something with wheat). Those same ones don't understand that my mother is allergic to wheat and even miniscule ingestion gives her hives and makes her violently sick and asthma attack, though luckily no anaphylaxis so far. Wheat harvest just about kills her and there are no close fields.
I've had people try and pretend they know more than either the doctors or me about my issues on getting sick after eating bread. "Oh it's definitely celiac." "Oh you have gkuten intolerance." Idiots. I've told them repeatedly that's not it. I can eat commercial pasta just fine as well as homemade breads with extra gluten. I have an intolerance to some dough conditioner or other additive in the commercial breads. Which makes sense since I have other issues with other chemicals that I cannot tolerate. I wonder how many people have that issue.
My baking soda issue is the weirdest as I can EAT it just fine. Get it on my skin and I burn. No using it for laundy either unless I do an extra rinse with vinegar. I use it for cleaning and have to be careful with it. I have ended up at the hospital from it before.
Oh and thinking of ER visits here'sa couple PSAs. Close your eyes if you're flipping open paper bags because skinning your eyeball sucks painfully and it takes forever to grow the membrane back and you have to hope it grows correctly with no distortion. Also don't stomp rats in flip flops as they can twist around and bite leaving teeth stuck in your toes. I live to be an example of what weird things can happen to people.