Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch


Almost Self-Reliant
Apr 2, 2021
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So I brought hog panels home yesterday for new sheep. Visited neighbor for a bit and when I was walking back home I noticed my goats had escaped to eat a dying tree (that I was going to take out anyway) and dead leaves on the ground. Thankfully I had the panels in the truck and was able to fix the fence with them right away. A lesson to always buy at least one more than you think you need.
Thank God for good timing.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
@CrealCritter some very nice horses wind up in slaughter pens, waiting shipment to Mexico, through no fault of their own. For whatever reasons, their owners no longer want them and take them to auction. I’ve been at auctions and watched kill buyers buy horses that nobody is bidding on for a few hundred dollars.

Reina came off a truck of 30 emaciated horses, on their way to Mexico. There is a couple working at the kill pen I got Reina from that put as many as they can on Facebook. I PMed the page for a price, and bought her over the phone. Reina is the 3rd horse I’ve bought out of a slaughter pen. It’s buying a pig in a poke, you don’t know what you’ve got until you get it. So far, I’ve had good luck. There is a short description of the horse. Information is sketchy because auction barns don’t gush over the attributes of each animal, just brief description and SOLD! Next!

I have a good feeling about Reina. She fell into hard times, but she will come out of it. The first ride ought to be interesting. LOL
I’ll walk her over to a neighbor’s and take my first ride in a round pen with them there to assist.

The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
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Kitsap County
Good late morning, slept like a rock, woke at 7:00 AM feel awesome \o/ it's January 3rd, currently 60 degrees, overcast, winds are from the south. We had lots of rain overnight, thunder and lightning, tornado warning storms. Complete with tornado sirens going off in the distance. No tornado damage here, Thank You Almighty ☝️

I noticed a few days ago the spinach that my wife pulled up by the roots is coming back. I sowed the row heavy with 3 different open pollinated varieties, some were old seeds. I just find it odd that, spinach seed I sowed in fall, is growing now, even after the cold sub zero temperatures we had before Christmas. I'm not complaining though ☝️
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Psalm 23:5

I hope you enjoy your day 👍

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Spinach loves cold/cool temps

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Mother nature brings seeds to life all the time. I've had tomatoes sprout in a pig pen after seeds escaped an eating frenzy -- after a winter in the dirt. Makes you think -- why not put seeds in the dirt in late fall and just wait until spring!! Yeah, skip all the tlc and wait on the world's gardener to awaken them. 😁

Having my coffee and looking at the list I made last night of what I want to grow this year. How many and what plants to start. One by one, I'm giving thought to how much I want to produce and considering if some might be better bought at my produce auction than time and effort to grow -- use space for something else. Plus, with feed costs, what can I grow that's worthwhile to offset....of course, pasture!! 🙄. But...sunflowers for seed, Milo, wheat, etc. Checking how many containers I have -- potatoes in those. Enough for sweets & whites? For 3 varieties? Trying to get ready & organized.

At a tipping point of "how many" with animals. More chickens or less -- beef up egg sales, milk sales, etc.? 🤔. Is this why I've put myself on a list for chicks in late Feb? And...for 2 AGHs in spring? Do I want to add meat birds, too? Am I nuts!?!?

Do I have too much free time this winter??? Toooo much overthinking??? :lol::lol::hu:old

Just got 2nd cup. Better do chores & stop thinking! :th


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
Mom went to the endocrinologist today for her diabetic appointment. Took 6 dozen cookies and a couple gallon bags of caramels to the staff. She has to be their favorite patient. She said the office staff was sneaking into the back to eat them so all the diabetics in the waiting room wouldn't see them eating cookies.

that's almost as bad as going to the lung cancer specialist that smokes...

but Mom does the same thing to her dentist's office. brings them goodies. we're supposed to be cutting back. signs are ok for this week but next week she's mentioned baking bread, making cookies for some friends and having them over for dinner. i'm still not sure if this is still "I'm going to slow down, but I've not done that yet so I'm just tapping the brakes to let everyone know I'm slowing down soon!" or whut... :)


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
it gives me an angary headache,,,, I put it off for just this time when I can work outside,,,,, but,, yet, I could drum up something Iam sure :gig

i always have computer projects... i spent way too much time around computers for too many years. now i try to mostly just use them and leave the programming to other people, but...

in the good ol' days (as i call them now :) ) it was always exciting to look across the room and see smoke coming from a large cabinet. now it is rare to see smoke or to smell burning wires. so perhaps there has been progress after all? :) good luck with whatever tasks you get to. :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley, Va
There is little reason for me to start some types of plants due to availability of so many different varieties at our local greenhouse. If you figure a package of seeds at 2.50 or something like that... yes you get alot of seeds... BUT if you want to grow several varieties and only want 4 or so plants of each... then you have packages of seeds that will never get started... unless you are going to sell some... and then there is the cost of containers and all that . There is a place here that buys in bulk at the produce auction and I can get well started plants for $2-3 for 4 or 6 plants.... that's barely covering the cost of the seeds-soil-containers...
I do buy my onion plants in bundles of 50 for about $4.00 I think... cheaper than the little onion sets ... and they do real good. And I do buy seeds of things like broccoli and all as they start easy and grow good... all the squash and green beans and all are all seeds to direct seed into the garden... but the plants are a toss up anymore... and I get a real good variety to try different ones... I think that greenhouse had about 100 varieties of tomatoes last year... gotta get them early because they sell out some kinds... but they are ready to go in as soon as the weather allows.

I did save some seeds from some neat striped peppers I got last year and hope they will come up and be true to type... they were not supposed to be hybrids... Nothing special for taste... just really neat yellow stripes on the pepper... I like to grow some of the real dark "black beauty" peppers for different color... reds and orange ones for different variety for sauteing... or in a salad...
Potatoes I grow from sets... easy to cut and then plant.

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