the little wild kingdom


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Yikes - that does NOT sound like a fun list of things to do! But, important that it get done - so .... have fun with that, lol.

completely agreed with ya there! i did get the hoses out and the one i needed today was hooked up and used to water the pea and beans i'd planted (no sprouts yet).

then i started the next bit of the day by lifting the crawlspace entrance cover and then sweeping up the mouse droppings and bits of whatever that got blown in over the winter. opened the crawlspace (a metal cover) and then got the air filter replaced and then started on the hot water pipe wrap. after a few minutes i realized most of the pipe wrap i had to use was too big so i'm not sure how much it will actually help, but i figured it couldn't hurt so i put it on anyways. didn't quite have enough. some year i may get the right sized stuff and put it on to replace but i'll cross that bridge when i get to it.

exited the crawlspace, took the rusty metal cover and got out the drill and wire brush attachment and cleaned off the rust enough so i could spray paint it. did the spray painting and then put it back on the entrance. refilled the jar of bleach i've been leaving in there (to discourage the mice). oh, i forgot to mention that the small jar had a small dead mouse in it (maybe crawled in trying to get a drink). it does really seem to discourage them as no nests have been built in there since i've been doing it. the other good thing is that nobody has been using the corners as potty stations so it's just a few dried nerds i had to sweep out of there (before i crawled through it).

the cover looks a lot nicer being cleaned up, but it could use another coat of spray paint on it. not too likely to happen any time in the next 30 years... my guess...

frogging around and recess for the rest of the day. :)


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
a little bit of weeding yesterday and some watering and more cleaning up from the winter type things.

today is looking like a light day, but that is ok, all i really like to see is progess in some places, it doesn't have to be a ton, just something. a bit sore still from crawling around under the house so will be taking it easy, but still moving somehow.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
yes, peas are sprouting and i now see signs the beans are also pushing up.

today's garden task was to dig some deep holes and bury a large pile of cardboard. 2hrs of digging and weeded half that garden so it will be easy to finish off and get ready for planting.

the wormies will like their new multi-story worm hotel. it's quite a bit of cardboard under there.

also today saw 3 morel mushrooms. first ones of the season. :)

came in from gardening tasks and checked the news and a few things and then decided yes a nap was going to be quite ok with me and rolled over and pulled something over my eyes for shade and was out like a light...

after not doing too much heavy exercise for the winter a few hours of digging is a lot of effort but it was ok (i could walk inside when i was done and carry things :) ) and i think i survived... mental capabilities always suspect...
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Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
we just nipped by getting frosted last night. wasn't on the forecast until yesterday morning but i decided i was just going to accept whatever happened as i didn't want to go out and cover things yesterday evening.

two more cooler nights coming up in the forecast now, but i hope they'll remain upper 30sF instead of lower.

i need to change the oil on the mower and mow again. don't wanna. also need to work on the front driveway bricks stuff, don't wanna do that either. one nice thing about being an adult is that if you don't wanna then you don't wanna, but eventually you also gotta.

i think at the moment i gotta get a nap in, 4 am was too early to wake up... (early for breakfast...).


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
i was glad i could get out for a few hours and that was plenty enough. most gardens are not too bad with weeds since i did get them done last fall a few times before winter set in.
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Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
yesterday was a prime example of "stubbed toe" i was walking along a pathway and picking up gravel from the neighboring garden to put it back in the pathway as i was going along and since i'm near the edge i didn't notice a snag and i'm bent over and moving forwards while my foot is caught and not moving with me so i wipe out and land hard on the gravel pathway.

if i'd had my glasses on it would have been much much worse as i landed on the side of my face/eye, the hat and sweatband did help there a lot (whew!) and that shoulder took a lot of damage too but i think that was a good thing because it spread the impact, also my left arm, left knee. i was also most of the way down already because i was bent over and grabbing gravel so i only had a shorter distance to fall (gravity does not give up or cooperate with wishful thinking).

i expected blood and a black eye, but after coming in and checking things out (making sure no bones were sticking out too) i only had a mark near my eye and a beat up shoulder.

my left shoulder has already been complaining about something i don't know what i did to it but this crash did not make it worse. i was able to mow and do other things yesterday without further issues.

even when trying to be careful sometimes i still screw up. such is life...

today i need to water and that and getting ready for a potential frost later is about all i'll have time to do. ashes are going to be delivered today and i have a spot to stack the buckets already set up.

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