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  • I was looking for a recipe in my BYC Cookbook today and I was wondering if SS have one, so I've searched on the search tool and can only find mentions of cookbooks, but not one the forum members put together. Does one exist or have you known of anyone who considered putting one together? God knows we have enough recipes to get started and if we start a thread relating to it, we'd get lots more.
    Hey Rhoda! Nope we don't have one here on SS... at least not yet! But it sounds like a fun project. We'll look into it!
    This forum engine apparently has a "silent limit" of 420 chars. If you exceed that, it complains and refuses to accept. Should provide a real-time count of characters used, and how many remaining. Annoying, but I suppose it does tend to discourage verbosity (which I admit I'm prone to ... my bad).

    How many chars left 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
    Good morning. My name is Tom [HayZee518] I am the lead electrician in another forum that's been online for over ten years. I feel I can be an asset to your repair forums in that I enjoy the challenge of troubleshooting user problems. If granted access I can supply "stickies" - drawn descriptions of electrical devices, etc.
    Rob, how long have you had this forum? looks like not much participation since 2012.
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