Chilly and a light breeze on Monday, partly cloudy and much windier today... Blowing like it was mad at the world this evening and rain coming in and supposed to be even windier tomorrow... temps are not as cold this evening, but feels cold...
Windy as the dickens yesterday here, too on the western side of Va.... got cold last night... 19 overnight.
Sun is out, wind died down. Ought to be nicer later, as the air warms up some. No wind will make even the 40's feel halfway comfortable...
Make a cardboard "surround" so that the heat stays in the area under the heat lamps... Not too high , but it will stop the cold from coming in from the sides and keep the heat that is directed down by the lights... They do it all the time in the big poultry houses... like a corral.... and use...
We try to trim any of the "dragging the ground" tails when we do preg checks.. and have occasionally taken a scissors to some while eating at the bunks just to get the worst of the mud balls gone... usually don't have any that long. Certainly won't affect the fly swatting if you take off 4-6...
All the old Allis Chalmer's were tough tractors.... Ours got around places I would never have thought they could.
How big are your round bales? 2000 lbs???? we make 5x5 and 5x6 bales with the one baler and they weigh in at 1000-1200 lbs... the 4x5 net wrap bales will weigh 800-1000 tops...
Wasn't being critical so much as just trying to make some people aware of places where stuff could do some good. Mostly because of my know it all brother's totally throwing out of so much stuff of my parents because he was being thick headed and STUPID and things that went in the dumpster that...
Ink jet printer paper, card stock, photo paper... all can be donated to child care centers, kindergartens, places like that. Should never be thrown out.
Blankets, towels and such that are not needed/wanted can be given to rescue places for dogs and cats and such... vet clinics..... always in...
I am sitting here watching the rain come down, melting more of the 8-10 inches of snow we had last Wed... and slipping and sliding in the muddy mess when I went to the barn to do the little calves and the nurse cow ... and one we have been trying to graft a calf on... Got to go test a herd this...
Except those car carriers almost always are automatic trucks... but I like the idea. I was thinking that with the first one was front first, and slid in under the canopy. and the deck of the carrier was angled slightly down in the back, so the back of the 2nd van was actually raised a few...
I have the glass pyrex ones that you could watch the whole process... the bubbles under the base and when it was hot enough that the water would go all the way up the glass tube to hit the top of the "basket" that the coffee grounds are in.
Sadly, someone will throw them out when I die.....
Went to work at 3 a.m. started snowing at the farm about 8 or so... left there a bit after 10 a.m. 20 miles south they had ground covered, 20 miles further south at home we had over 3 inches... it came from the south west, heading east/slightly north. There was over 6-8 inches on the ground...