So, this weekend we did quite a bit of work around our place. We have invited our church, some work friends, friends and neighbors to a 3rd of July party (I have to work on the 4th). It is great motivation to get some more work done around the place.
For Father's Day and our oldest DS...
:yuckyuck That is me with my younger DS. He asks a question and I tremble because I know it will be about 10-20 minutes of discussion! I think it is great, really, though. He is smart and inquisitive. :)
I have only had chickens for a few months, so we are not even getting eggs yet, but man, I think I would be sad to have 16 eggs waisted by a moody not so broody hen. :P
My list of what I have learned thus far this year . .
*Make laundry soap (love it)
*learned to enjoy line dried towels (this is a skill, isn't it??)
*built a chicken coop
*raised day old chicks
*raised day old turkeys (RIP - due to neighbors dog and not me, thankfully)
*grew peas and enjoyed...
With as hot and humid Houston is, I would think that if you keep the house a/c at 80 rather than 75, you would see a lower bill if your hubby won't go for the idea of the one room with a window unit. We live just north a bit in Oklahoma. It has been over 100 the past 3 days and it is just mid...
duh, sorry about that :D
OK, my house is 1500 sq. ft.
Our winters are fairly mild, as far as winters go. Temps average lows in 20's highs in 40's
We will burn oak mainly.
We usually don't fire up the heater until late October - and only at night then. We would need good heat from November...
My husband and I have spent some time researching fireplace insterts. We checked out a few dealers, spoke to a few people with them and have weighed the pros/cons and are very sure we are going to get one this winter. We are saving up for one.
We spend about $1200-$1500 a year on propane to...
Kim -
I don't know much about gardening, but I do know that tomatos like warm soil and bees to polinate. I am sure there is a way to garden all year with a green house typ set up and depending on where you live and what you want to grow heaters, lamps or the likes.
I am sure some of the...
I have 2 blue andalusions. One is friendly (can you believe it is the roo??) the other is not, however when we come with treats guess who is pushing the others out of the way?? Funny thing is she will let my oldest son pick her up and put her on his shoulder like a parrot or something. :lau...
My list of what I have learned thus far this year . .
*Make laundry soap (love it)
*learned to enjoy line dried towels (this is a skill, isn't it??)
*built a chicken coop
*raised day old chicks
*raised day old turkeys (RIP - due to neighbors dog and not me, thankfully)
*grew peas and enjoyed...
BBH . .I believe it was Thomas Edison that said he did not fail at inventing the light bulb . . he discovered 100 ways not to make a light bulb before he found the actual way. . . . lol
I don't think there is such a thing as failure, just many opportunities to learn. That is just what I did...
I guess SS is kinda like raising kids, you have to pick your battles. . . ;)
I love PollyAnna and Beauty and the Beast because those great gals were able to overlook everyone else (the Johnny rainclouds) and persisted and made the world around them a better place. sigh . . if only I were...
To kill the weavels and bugs I always freeze my rice for about a week (probably over kill on the time) then I put it in the storage containers. My MIL taught me this. I haven't had any issues.
ok, I am so frustrated with my co-workers. I sat near a bunch of realy great people, but when the company reconfigured our queue and hours of operation I am now on a new team. This is a bunch of winner babies. Oh, they complain about everything, place customers on hold, talk rudely about the...
ok, I feel a little inadiquate (?? I know, I can't spell) but here is what I have
several varrieties of 'matters
bell peppers, 2 types (not doing so well, think I planted them too close to the matters?)
watermellon (kids are growing it . . :) )
pinto beans,
carrots . ...