Yup! There is quite a bit of room. The fence you can see in the back is the actual pen but these ones get to roam free on the acreage. I have 1 mallard, 1 Pekin and the 3 in the pic are pekin mallard crosses. We also have 3 saxony itching to go outside lol! What breed of ducks do you have?
I definitely will!
Our smallest ones will be outside in the next couple of weeks after the expansion on my fence is complete.
They are in a crate in my house but when I get home from work they get to go outside to hang out with the big ducks!
The only issue I have run into is my Duck randy...
We didnt know what gender it was so we decided to name it "Duck" for now LOL! We have realized now it is a female so we will be changing her names soon. We recently hatched 2 more ducks about 2 months ago so now they are out with her (She has become the mom). Those 3 plus 2 young chickens I have...
Hey everyone!
I am curious to see what everyone chooses for a rifle/shotgun to have on them while doing chores around the yard.
I recently picked up a Ruger PC Carbine 9mm that I have been carrying with me for predators/varmints while I'm doing work around the homestead.
Its been great...
Mosins are great rifles for the price.
Ammo is cheap, big caliber and are quite accurate.
Now a days I believe they run around 250-300 CAD.
Owned both of mine for years, one is a bit of a Bubba job and the other is original, both still shoot great.
My girlfriend has a few good ones of the duck in its first time in water! Absolutely adorable, she said sometime today she'd send some over so I can share.
They get along great! The chicks were a bit weary at first but when I came back in after an hour or so they were snuggled up together! Glad they all get along, it has also gotten attached to my girlfriend quite a bit. Whenever it hears her voice the little guy goes nuts!
I'll Post another pic once I am home today as you can actually see him now that the little guy is not in the incubator.
I'm a little bummed only 1 hatched but we just recently hatched some chicks so I am sure they will keep each other company.
We put a few in the incubator but only 1 ended up starting to grow. The female is a pekin duck and the male is a mallard. A bit more cracking but nothing big yet!