Search results

  1. TwoCrows

    Tuco's journey from "total-reliance" to "self-sufficient"

    If you are thinking of getting into quail, start with Coturnix quail. They mature up at 8 or 9 weeks of age and start laying or are ready for butchering. If you use some for breeding and use an incubator, (it is rare that quail go broody), you can turn them over very quickly and have a good...
  2. TwoCrows

    Which type is better: battery solar or tied into grid?

    I am not at all familiar with these desulfators. But if they do work and can extend the life of your batteries, this would definitely make solar power more economical. We went through so many batteries, we finally threw in the towel on a complete home system. Give it a try and if it does work...
  3. TwoCrows

    Nuclear myths and truths

    I do not know a thing about nuclear power plants. But I do know that people do fear what they don't know. The news loves to hype up many things just for the sake of news. Not that nuclear power should be taken lightly, but it would do us all good to research things before we come to any...
  4. TwoCrows


    Oh, this looks like crazy fun! When I was younger I always wanted a place up in Alaska or Canada so isolated that you could only get there by small boat. I look back and am grateful that never happened....the isolation of this place is crazy enough! At least I can drive here boat...
  5. TwoCrows


    What an adventure this will be if you ever get to Ireland! You are young enough and have plenty of energy to work one of these properties to make it your own. Really put your vibe into it and it becomes an expression of yourself. Dreams must be fulfilled at some point in your life. You can't...
  6. TwoCrows

    SS Picture Contest - Fall 2014

    Ha! They sure do look funny, don't they? I had gone outside and there they all were, standing so proper on this dead stump. I took one look at them, pointed my finger at them and said, "Don't Move!" and ran as fast as I could to the house to get the camera. Thankfully there were all still there...
  7. TwoCrows

    SS Picture Contest - Fall 2014

    Fall flowers....Sneeze weed as I call it cause it makes you sneeze!!
  8. TwoCrows

    SS Picture Contest - Fall 2014

    Young Black Australorps growing up....
  9. TwoCrows

    Hello from Tennessee

    Welcome to SS! I have never kept bees, but always wanted to. I friend of ours does and sends us the honey. Wow, what a difference from the store bought honey.
  10. TwoCrows

    What an adventure!

    Wow...I was on the edge of my seat through this entire thread!! I have always wondered how I would deal with catching a skunk a trap. Excellent thinking! You did good and I am happy to hear you escaped with out getting skunked!! :-)
  11. TwoCrows

    ENDED - Winner Announced - Official SS Caption Contest #4 - Pic by frustratedearthmother

    Don't listen to those Geese back there....I am WAY cuter than they are!
  12. TwoCrows

    ENDED - winner announced - Official SS Caption Contest #3 - August 2014 - Pic by Hinotori

    HOLY CROW.....I won!!! Thanks so much!!! I have never won anything in my life. What an honor!! :)
  13. TwoCrows

    Hi from Montana

    Hello there and welcome from New Mexico! Love those herbs! I use all kinds of herbs to prevent and cure all kinds of things. Some herbs have great power. It is a shame more people don't understand them enough to use them. If you are in tune with them, they have wonderful healing qualities...
  14. TwoCrows

    Chicks are hatching :)

    Awww.....that is just adorable!! :love There is nothing cuter than baby chicks! How are you not just melting away when you see them! Enjoy them Sumi! :)
  15. TwoCrows

    Chicks are hatching :)

    If I must....:pop
  16. TwoCrows

    Chicks are hatching :)

    Congrats on the new chicks!! :weee WE NEED PICS.....WE NEED PICS!!! :)
  17. TwoCrows

    Just wanted to post some chicken pictures

    Oh how adorable!! Silkies are so cute. Good luck in the show circuit!
  18. TwoCrows

    Someday Farm, yup someday it will all be just the way i want it..........

    Love the name, Someday Farm! Always keep those dreams alive because eventually they become reality! Can't wait to hear more about your adventures. And good luck with those apples. Around here, I think my poultry would end up with much of them. Ha!
  19. TwoCrows

    Real food? - Mini vent.

    Sumi, you need to move. LOL Organics, Non GMO and more natural foods are becoming more common here in the United States. They used to be more expensive, but have come down some due to the popular demand. But I do agree, I don't know how they label some food. "Food". It is either tasteless...