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  1. L

    livin' on the funny farm- SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I had turkeys for the first time this year and was amazed at how they follow everything. If it moves they would follow it. My cat was not amused because she would go around the yard and be followed by 8 very large turkeys lol. It was funny to watch. They were ugly though but they do taste very...
  2. L

    The life of LilyD

    Been a while since I added to my journal but I have been so busy I haven't had time to breathe let alone post. Where should I start. I left my job as a teaching assistant for behaviorally challenged kids and did my student teaching back in 2010 only to find out that when I got my degree and...
  3. L

    Feeding Chickens just People food...Can it be done??

    I am finding that out. They often turn their nose, or beaks lol up at the shelters I build for them and would choose to perch on top of them or actually on the field fencing itself even today where the top temp was 40 degrees. All last winter they were out even in the winter as long as I...
  4. L

    Feeding Chickens just People food...Can it be done??

    Cool I am glad I decided to post I was really worried about starting this because I don't want to hurt them but since they live in a fruit orchard and pasture on 2 acres I figured they have enough free range for when there is no snow so my biggest concentration of feed will be in winter and they...
  5. L

    Feeding Chickens just People food...Can it be done??

    That's another good one for us. I can get a 20lb bag of rice for $4 up here and that will last for a while since it puffs up when cooked I was thinking of keeping track of how long they eat so I make sure I am feeding enough. They should be able to finish their feed in about 10 - 15 minutes...
  6. L

    Feeding Chickens just People food...Can it be done??

    Cool they had potatoes tonight and carrots which is a root veggie. They do love oatmeal (not the packaged kind but the good old fashioned quick oats ) so that would be an option too. I am thinking that meat and greens should go in one bin and a second bin for carbs so I can make sure they get...
  7. L

    Feeding Chickens just People food...Can it be done??

    We are a zone 3 right now we are running temps between the 20's and the 60s for night and day. Usually the lowest we go in the winter is down to -20 or -30 below at the worst. One of my main issues right now is that with the drought in the midwest corn is starting to get scarce. My grain...
  8. L

    Feeding Chickens just People food...Can it be done??

    I wondered if they would soften up during sprouting when they are soaked? I was also thinking the same thing about dried peas do they need to be cooked as well? I have tons of dried beans and my husband was saying that since I am such a hoarder I should probably use some of what I have stored...
  9. L

    Feeding Chickens just People food...Can it be done??

    I fed mine leftover chicken today and they loved it as well as some leftover broccoli cheese soup, potatoes and fish. Not too worried about greens right now because we have no snow but later I will add those and some grains for added warmth.
  10. L

    Feeding Chickens just People food...Can it be done??

    Yeah I have shot a few but I don't eat squirrel (it's one of the only wild things we don't eat lol) never thought of feeding it to my chickens. They will eat the mice but they have gotten crafty about going in the coop only when the chickens are out free ranging. I don't want to use poison for...
  11. L

    Feeding Chickens just People food...Can it be done??

    Okay so I have been toying with ideas of how to become more self sufficient with my chickens so I don't have to rely on commercial feeds or store bought grains to feed them. I raise a large garden in the summer and can or freeze pretty much everything I grow. I also fill my freezer and cupboards...
  12. L

    free credit report...?

    That's not necessarily true I was able to get my score through FICO as well but if you do it more than once a year then you have to pay 14.95 for it. Same with the credit scores. If you check your credit scores it doesn't hurt your score at all it's considered a soft check which doesn't affect...
  13. L

    Working for salary vs hourly?

    My husband works a salary position and I have to agree with the poster that said it's dependent on the company. His company is amazing and he has all but one weekend a month off plus every other Monday or Friday. He also has to take a certain amount of days off each month and if he doesn't take...
  14. L

    free credit report...?

    You can go to all the credit bereaus Trans Union Exuifax and Experion. You are entitled to one free report from each once a year.
  15. L

    What did you do to MAKE money today?

    Made over 12 quarts of spaghetti sauce and put it in the freezer. Sold a rooster (thank goodness) and three more hens ($5.00 for the roo and $8 for each hen). Next will be pickles and pickled banana peppers to can.
  16. L

    Help reducing grocery bill?

    The butcher that we use sells his beef pretty much at whole sale costs. Hamburger is 2.99 a pound and steaks are like 1/2 price of what they would be at the regular store. They also sell pork, lamb and goat as well all of which is good. Even buying their steaks to grind for hamburger is cheaper...
  17. L

    Help reducing grocery bill?

    What I do to save money on groceries is some of the same things already mentioned. 1. Make sure you make a list of meals to take you through the month before you go shopping and be realistic about what you need of each item to make you through until next shopping day. If you don't have a plan...
  18. L

    Money saving recipes?

    pretty much any meal that you cook that is made homemade is cheaper. Make your own pasta and sauce. Try and find a local butcher to get your meat cheaper since that's pretty much the only thing that is expensive and grow your own veggies and fruits so you don't have to buy those. The more you...
  19. L

    What did you do to save $ today?

    Processed 11 chickens and added them to the freezer. Also sold 6 dozen eggs for 3$ a dozen which translates into two more bags of feed for the girls. Also added a pellet/wood stove so we now won't have to pay for fuel oil anymore. So excited about that. I hate being tied to the oil prices for...
  20. L

    The Pagan Circle

    I totally agree with you. Being wiccan mirrors my other ideals which are being a pacifist. I will not through my actions or intentions harm another soul. When I have to process animals to feed the family it is done through the process of thanking the animal for the sacrifice that they are giving...