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  1. ticks

    Bee~ Journal of then...

    Bee, I found an oddly specific image about a problem we are having...
  2. ticks

    How do I get rid of moles???

    Even though the mole was dead, I didn't want to torture it anymore.
  3. ticks

    We are having too much fun while you were out

    Strong like bull, sly like fox, cool as the other side of the pillow :cool:
  4. ticks

    How do I get rid of moles???

    I buried it and I'm sure some of his little buddies came around and got the bezums scared out of them.
  5. ticks

    How do I get rid of moles???

    No joke, we had a colony at our old house. We killed one with a wiffle ball bat and we had no more moles.
  6. ticks

    We are having too much fun while you were out

    Yep, little fawns, I'd love to feed them.... nvm ;) Something that people scoop up in the yard, and light on fire.
  7. ticks

    We are having too much fun while you were out

    I'm as good as banned from a certain chicken forum :/ I like that forum so much bee, I feed them venison. ;)
  8. ticks

    We are having too much fun while you were out

    The troll is back, its under the bridge in my back yard. ;) ! Bee, Amos, BBH! On your horses we ride tonight!
  9. ticks

    We are having too much fun while you were out

    Well, I defended myself, I really need to learn NOT TO FEED THE TROLLS. But I'm not gonna let someone come in and boss me around.
  10. ticks

    We are having too much fun while you were out

    Amos, were you tempted to post on that thread like I was? :pop
  11. ticks

    We are having too much fun while you were out It will be gone soon...
  12. ticks

    We are having too much fun while you were out

    I like brad paisley... And I smacked the bees nest on BYC. :hide
  13. ticks

    We are having too much fun while you were out

    I probably have that book. Does the dog die?
  14. ticks

    Bee~ Journal of then...

    Bee, I believe it was a triple dog dare. :D
  15. ticks

    Bee~ Journal of then...

    :rolleyes: You bet they were.
  16. ticks

    We are having too much fun while you were out

    Who's afraid of the Big Brown Horse, the Big Brown Horse, the Big Brown horse....