Nice job, I started running 1.7 mile races two years back, and with in a year I was running 9 miles. IT's a great way to lose weight and keep weight off. Keep going for that 5k, that race is a killer, too long to go fast too short to go slow.
Ahhh, went out to check my chicks today and saw one had runny poo, looked sick and matched the description for cocci.
Juuuuuust great, that's just what I needed AFTER HAVING 25% OF MY NEW PHEASANTS GET DRENCHED LAST WEEK. :)
sorry for caps, I hit caps lock but I'm too lazy to retype it.
Most of my birds have laid clutches, but were not sitting. Now they have been dropping and running. I think they will be broody soon. 5 broodies on cluctches would be nice :D
Brandon, fortunatley for you we have only two meets left, then we are done early next week! Then you won't be so crammed for the 2 weeks left of school after that. I'm starting to go crazy so close to summer!
Thanks Bee. I'm still not big on the price of Organic. I allow my chickens to free range though, and that has to be better than eating regular food in a run all day.
I got 12 more Chicks on top of the two I got from TSC.
I also saw organic food 36- 40 dollars per bag. or non organinc food 11 dollars a bag whats the real difference?