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  1. FarmerChick


    I hate gadgets. gadgets mean more work. always have to clean them after use most times and that takes alot of time. they take up too much space also. Gadgets with motors are worst. you can't just dunk them straight into water. hubby loves gadgets. waffle maker (I say make a pancake in a...
  2. FarmerChick


    I go by Keep It Simple Stupid no silly here LOL I am simple for everything I do. I hate complicated. worst is relationship/family/people complicated. I read what others lives are like and darn near fall over when I read the nutso people out there. (not here, just in general) everthing in...
  3. FarmerChick

    Stamps are going up again!

    forever stamps. got a bunch of them. hardly ever use a stamp. :) online bill pay etc. heck I hardly use checks.
  4. FarmerChick

    budget tuneup questions

    All you can eat seafood BUFFET! I would be there :) you named another fav of mine, prime rib! I absolutely can not find a place that sells good prime rib around me. I have no idea why. One place does but it is a very high end restaurant. Time to save up a bit to go have a fab meal...
  5. FarmerChick

    budget tuneup questions

    we eat out at least 2 times per week. maybe 3. could be any meal. hubby has 4 days off and he makes me hit the road somewhere all the time and it falls that one meal is going to be eaten out. depends on time of travel if kiddo is with us for eating out also. We don't do fast food places...
  6. FarmerChick


    do your ow thing heck you might even become a vegetarian. see you can raise all ya want and not worry about butchering :) raising livestock, butchering etc. is a royal pain in the XXX. but for some worth it. for others nope
  7. FarmerChick

    End of the world.....

    If the Mayans pulled the plug I wouldn't have to pay all the bills sitting on the counter :lol: :P I see an asteroid is due in 2040. maybe that is the next big thing??
  8. FarmerChick

    How are you prepping your budget ?

    :lol: Marianne I hear ya for me I save money. constantly putting money in the bank as often as I can. it doesn't matter if it is even a little. I save it :) someone might say, eh, why bank $10?. I do :P I have cut out all unnecessary spending to save money for my vacations. I get the...
  9. FarmerChick

    Frugality and Economy

    there is a time to be stingy with your money, and there are times that your money needs to be spent in kindness and charity. just be sure to part with it at the right moments instead of being greedy. (that is what it kinda means to me)
  10. FarmerChick

    End of the world.....

    :P me neither but I figured there must be some apocolypse out there I haven't heard about yet :rolleyes:
  11. FarmerChick

    How much do you practice?

    rub petroleum jelly into your cotton balls and then put them in a container (like used prescription bottles) they burn SO MUCH LONGER it is insane. a regular cotton ball flares up in a second and gonzo. with petr. jelly on them they burn a while so you really can get a fire started easier...
  12. FarmerChick

    End of the world.....

    on Dec. 21 didn't happen :lol: :lol: Anyone hear if there is another date in the future everyone is claiming is the 'next' end of the world date as we know it?? just curious if anyone has heard of another type of situation as this Dec. 21.
  13. FarmerChick

    So, what'd ya get?

    blue topaz and diamond earrings (birthstone) blue topaz and diamond necklace to match (very pretty set) I bought myself a nice new coat I wanted and wrapped it from hubby :lol: money gift cards from inlaws and parents coffeemaker for hubby with tons of fancy coffees/creamers and Visa gift...
  14. FarmerChick

    Are we living our dreams?

    very smart rhoda. if we wait, and wait, and wait, for 'perfect situations', well, it ain't gonna happen. Life is never perfect and far from it and we all know that :) sometimes we don't really want to give in and give up our 'mind's dreams and that absolute way we want something', but we have...
  15. FarmerChick

    Cannabis as medicine for real, anyone?

    I can see it all working out that way Bee :lol:
  16. FarmerChick

    Cannabis as medicine for real, anyone?

    well you can pick a side and fight. best anyone can do. in the end it is what it is I guess. the world changes every minute. some for the good, some for the bad. but if you have your convictions, I am not caving because some big parma might win. That isn't me. I won't and don't accept alot...
  17. FarmerChick

    Making sugar... is it possible?

    we planted over 3 acres of sugar cane for many years. fed used stalks to livestock. we have a lassy mill. what a blast making molasses. harvest, had a 'squisher' with a tractor motor to squeeze the cane. big fire box. stir, stir, stir, stir and more stirring til everyone's arms fell off...
  18. FarmerChick

    Cannabis as medicine for real, anyone?

    smarter than nicer? you didn't choose wisely ;) My facts are as long as people are opposed and keep opposing, I stand the good stand on my side of KEEPING it illegal. I will always do my darnest to be sure that happens. I won't wimp out and give in. Nope. and that is my opinion.
  19. FarmerChick

    Cannabis as medicine for real, anyone?

    Sounds great on paper. I am sure many cocaine users have jobs. Kinda like the movie industry. go figure. They function. They have families. Many can handle it. So should cocaine be legal because some 'do fine on it'? If that is the basis of making it ok? Some people do fine on it...