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  1. valmom

    Val's SS journal- Fair food! Yea!

    Well, we weathered the storm fine. We have one apple tree that is blown over from the roots that I went out this morning to try to stake back upright. I thought I was being buzzed by my bees since the tree is right next to the hive. Not. I was being buzzed by yellow jackets!! Damn. There must be...
  2. valmom

    JRmom - Garden is in!

    ARRGGH. Did you tell them yet what happened? Did they do the right thing and at least offer to pay for the lost food? I think I'd be a lot more careful how much access they have after this if they would be so careless of someone else's stuff. I am more paranoid about anything I borrow than I am...
  3. valmom

    Calendula - Son may have Tourette's

    Ugh, that sucks. Our stray dog problem has finally decreased from 3 rotties and 2 mixed breed strays to one wild Jack Russell and his medium sized mutt buddy. I think they nominally "belong" to someone over at our bad neighbors' but they are never anything but running loose. Those rotties were...
  4. valmom

    MyKidLuvsGreenEgz .. .. COLORADO IS BURNING

    Nothing like a death in the family to bring out the worst in people. :/ It just seems to happen that way so often. :hugs Just try to console your hubby, contact a lawyer for options, and just think- you never have to deal with them again. :D
  5. valmom

    Irene's Thread

    I'm here- and we made it through! Wow. Incredible record flooding around here- they are talking 100 year flood has happened. Brattleboro actually made the weather channel and CNN for its flooding. Our house is the top of a huge hill so, aside from a wet basement we are fine. The horses and barn...
  6. valmom

    Anyone make clotted cream?

    OK, I know this is supposed to be a delicacy, but really, couldn't they have come up with a different name. I just wouldn't be able to make myself eat "clotted cream" :sick Sort of like blood pudding- don't think I could do that either.
  7. valmom

    Irene's Thread

    We have reached the mega-rain stage. It is literally pouring buckets! We are having off and on wind gusts- if they get worse, the trees really will just come up by the roots. We are on ledge that is, at most, 3 feet down (I know because we had to jack hammer to get the well line below frost- and...
  8. valmom

    Irene's Thread

    I think I'm going to drive down the hill to the barn. The wind isn't steady, but we have gotten some periods of roaring gusts.
  9. valmom

    Food Prices, Shortages & Inflation - The Trash Index

    Oh, great. Now I have Ozzy Osbourn singing in my head. :lol: You know you are bad when even your SO sometimes looks at you like you are crazy. :P
  10. valmom


    Hmm. I like that recipe! It says to make the barm to heat the beer to 160. Wouldn't that kill any live yeast in the beer? So why do you have to find beer with live yeast? You add sourdough starter to the beer to innoculate it. Maybe any beer would do. I'm picturing a nice stout....
  11. valmom

    Pectin free Rasberry Jam?

    I haven't made pectin-free jams, but I would try it. I do know that some fruits naturally contain enough pectin to set, and apples have so much that you can use drop apples to make pectin yourself from. I don't know about raspberry, but what's the worst that can happen, it might not set up and...
  12. valmom

    Irene's Thread

    Good morning, everyone- glad to hear everything passed you guys safely. Ours is just warming up here. It really looks like the center eye is going to go just about over us! :ep How often does that happen in Vermont?? It's been raining all night, and the wind is starting this morning. I...
  13. valmom


    We are in a wet area of the country- especially this year- but I hear you! We (well, I) try to conserve water but I know we aren't really good at conserving. And sometime in the not too distant future water is going to be a critical resource (and I have read stories about the government...
  14. valmom

    Cloth or Paper explanation

    I used cloth diapers for my kids- my mother wouldn't tolerate HER grandchildren in plastic diapers! :lol: So, she pre-paid for a year of diaper service, knowing that after a year of the complete convenience of cloth diapers I would continue it myself. There is no way I wanted to go back to...
  15. valmom

    Favourite ways to cook kale

    I love Portuguese kale soup! My SO introduced it to me from her family. I had never eaten kale until I met this soup :lol: Now I go out and pick it and munch it on the walk up to the house. Beef stock Chiorise or Linguica (or really, any hard style sausage/pepperoni things I should think...
  16. valmom

    The Tightwad's Guide to Cooking from Scratch

    Good for you, Kala! I love soup of almost any kind. Especially in the winter, and especially bean soups of any kind.
  17. valmom


    I really want to try this! I am not good at bread baking, but I am good at microbiology. I do worry about having to eat the whole thing myself, since SO may also be one of those who are afraid of being poisoned. :lol:
  18. valmom

    Did anyone see that Kohl's commercial?

    My daughter was a throwback- she LOVED Goodwill and Salvation Army shopping for "new" clothes. She was good at it, too. And, woe to anyone who teased her :ep
  19. valmom

    Is Irene New York City's "Katrina"

    Well, we are as ready as we are going to get- I'm tired, my back hurts from carrying stuff, and the only thing left to do is finish up the horses with extra water in case of power outages and button them and the chickens up. And I haven't even murdered anyone in the process! :lol: The only thing...
  20. valmom

    Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

    :D Sounds like a great experience! Congratulations to him!