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  1. I

    Scented vinegar for laundry

    I would agree with this. I was really enthusiastic, b/c I found some really nice-smelling VO5 conditioner for $.84 at Chinamart, but all I could really smell was the detergent. :( But yes, very soft!! I was wondering if making dryer sheets would make a difference in leaving a fragrance....
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    CQ CQ CQ This is KI4IGQ CQ CQ CQ

    I guess I'm slow...can you 'splain it to me...? :D
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    So you purchased a gun? Is the family safer now than before?

    I think it's a good idea too...we have a cannister of "dog attack spray" that we got from Animal Control. I carry it while walking & then leave it by the front door. I'm guessing if it'll deter an attacking dog, it might make a human think twice too. :)
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    The xXx Gloom & Doom Report

    You ain't jokin. I get slashed just trying to very carefully pick them. :/ Fortunately, I happen to have some growing right at the fence-line, so maybe I don't need the razor wire after all!! :lol: Oh, & I do like the bus! ;)
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    So you purchased a gun? Is the family safer now than before?

    This seems completely bizarre! Where is it written in state law that you can't keep an unloaded gun inside your own home? What would be the grounds for confiscating it?? :rant Personally, we don't have kids, & NO one walks into our home unannounced, not even the inlaws. That being said, I hope...
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    Nacho - The road to sufficiency!

    "Vorn"...? I'll be interested to hear how you celery turns out! :)
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    MyKidLuvsGreenEgz .. .. COLORADO IS BURNING

    6 below! Yikes! Better there than here...! Stay warm... :/
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    The xXx Gloom & Doom Report

    I'm thinking of getting a roll of razor wire or barbed wire & leaving it in the shed, "just in case." I wouldn't put it up "unless...." Bamboo is an interesting idea, it grows wild around here (escaped from someone's garden awhile back, I guess). I wonder if I could dig it up & transplant it...
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    hair care?

    It seems a little strange to be putting oil ON your hair...unless you have the frizzies & are trying to calm it down...what am I missing here...? :/
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    CQ CQ CQ This is KI4IGQ CQ CQ CQ

    ... --- .-. .-. -.-- // .-.-. :D
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    The xXx Gloom & Doom Report

    I want to get some razor wire, but DH looked at me like I'm nuts (nuttier?) when I brought it up. Too obvious, I guess. :lol:
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    The xXx Gloom & Doom Report

    My place is guarded by yappy dogs and Smith & Wesson. :D
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    CQ CQ CQ This is KI4IGQ CQ CQ CQ

    Oh yeah, FC, I'm a regular brainiac! ;)
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    CQ CQ CQ This is KI4IGQ CQ CQ CQ

    Lnl, NE!! Jrypbzr gb Pelcgb Jbeyq!! V haqrefgnaq pbzcyrgryl. V jbhyq ybir, ybir, ybir gb zber gb zber nperntr ohg jvyy hayvxryl or noyr gb nssbeq, oneevat jvaavat gur ybggrel. Fb, V'z qbvat gur orfg V pna ba zl anab-snez. V jvyy qrsvavgryl or cvpxvat lbhe oenva nsgre lbh trg lbhe yvprafr...
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    CQ CQ CQ This is KI4IGQ CQ CQ CQ

    I think Trim mentioned "Now You're Talking" as a good book, but when I did a search I came up with multiple books with that name, so maybe he can specify which one he meant. :D If I can narrow it down, it's going on my Christmas wish list. If you want to start learning Morse Code, hqueen13, I...
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    Stocking Up, Putting Back, Prepping = Paranoia?

    DoC, since you lived thru it, maybe you can address something that I heard in the aftermath. I'm sorry that I can't tell you which network, but there was a newsprogram that claimed that all the tax money that went to the Levy Board for upkeep actually went everywhere BUT the levies. Many people...
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    CQ CQ CQ This is KI4IGQ CQ CQ CQ

    Do you mean, translate the Morse, then use rot13, like this?: fb lbh yvxr zbefr pbqr genvavat / gung vf terng/ gurer vf ab fjpu guvat nf purgvat / vs lbh trg vg evtug gung vf gur bayl vzcbegnag vffhr / og Qbhoyr purpx "fjpu" & "purgvat"...V xabj vg fubhyq or fhpu & purngvat, ohg V guvax gung'f...
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    Frugal Tips for our Livestock

    Ah, thanks WBF, I didn't know you could cook them to get rid of bacteria, never thought about that.... :)
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    CQ CQ CQ This is KI4IGQ CQ CQ CQ

    Lrf, V'ir frra ZVN ba AUU, rfcrpvnyyl fvapr ur & JM genafsreerq gurve Qbbz & Tybbz guernq gurer - zl snibevgr, YBY! (jrveq, V xabj) Lrf, V rawbl ebg 13 fb jvyy pbagvahr gb hfr vg hagvy "pnhtug", V thrff... V'z tynq NE vf pbagvahvat, rira vs vg'f ba ure bja...cnegaref fubhyq nterr ba fhpu...