Exactly, moolie. :thumbsup
Since I'm going thru surgically-induced menopause, if I had to wash something every time I changed my clothes in a single day, all I'd do is laundry. (too hot - oops, now too cold...yikes, too hot, now too cold, etc.) :rolleyes:
Especially since I work from home & no...
I really like this idea; has anyone tried it? :D
I've hand-washed using a 5 gal bucket with toilet plunger (a new one! ;)), just to see if I could do it. The worst part was rinsing & wringing. :/
I think another idea is getting used to what you consider "clean" clothes; just because you've...
Yeah, FC, it was nasty cold & wet all morning...walking the dogs was FUN ( :rolleyes: ), I can tell you...& the chickens wouldn't come out of the coop (I had the heat lamp on for them, :) ).
Tonight I have to cover the radishes, lettuce, & peppers - we're having a freeze! It's waaaaay too early...
I'm sorry if someone already covered this (I've been following the thread but may have missed this particular detail), but do you have to put in a new oxygen absorber every time you open a jar? Or can you quick take out what you want & put the lid back on? I'm not talking about the ones that...
Thanks for posting the link, moolie...just added it to my Christmas wish-list. ;)
Britesea - I would be interested in hearing anything you find out about a/c without electricity...I am in the "death zone" for heat in central NC, & shudder to think about what life would be like without it. I...
That's the next one I want to get; I want to make my own flour tortillas. I found one in the Agri-Supply catalog, but the shipping is as much as the pan. :/ Haven't been able to find one at a local store.