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  1. T

    Is this at all possible?

    Why would you try to over winter 6 cornish cross?
  2. T

    Cream Legbars for an SS flock?

    If you breed them you may get all kinds of off spring since they are cross breeds. I have some California whites that just hatched some chicks. The CW's are a cross between the California grays and leghorns. I got some chicks that are all white, some that are black with a white spot on their...
  3. T

    Self-sufficient/preparedness living--Where to start?

    I need to get my computer fixed so I can get some of those soap recipes. My phone doesn't like the search button.
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    Pressure canner......... what do you think is the best one.....

    Yep. All my neighbors said I was crazy for raising my own pig but as soon as he was in the freezer they all wanted to know when we were gonna have a BBQ. I said as soon as y'all get some meat together. I'll bring a couple of pork chops.
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    mobile living...

    When we moved here we stayed in our Rv for 5 months 2 adults, 2 kids a cat and 60lb dog. It could feel a bit cramped sometimes but we liked it. If you dont like the new neighbors its easy to move.
  6. T

    Sterno fuels

    They are the aluminum pot used for seperating/cleaning grease. They are the right size to put 2 cans of sterno in before stuffing in your bag. Our walmart has them in the kitchen gadgets isle. There is some guy on you tube that shows how he uses one like that. This one...
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    Sterno fuels

    We have sterno in our BOB's. If we ever have to use them I don't want to give away our location. Wood smoke can be smelled and seen from quite a distance. We use the grease pots from walmart. You can boil water or cook food in them and they heat up quickly.
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    We have a propane furnace and I don't like it. It sucks up the propane and if the electricity is out it doesn't work. We haven't used it in 5 yrs. We prefer the fire place during the day and oil filled radiators in the bed room at night.
  9. T

    Mind your p's and q's...

    Well heck. I've probably used half those words in the last week alone. After all, I live in New MEXICO, just butchered a pig so have a freezer full of pork and my girls are in 4-H shooting sports and they e-mail Grandpa with all the details. Which ammo and arrows they use, size of targets...
  10. T

    Here She is....the new camper

    Be careful with your awning. The wind just loves to rip them off.