In nurishing traditions, she discusses fish stock, and using heads in the stock may help suppoprt your thyroid, as long as the heads still contain the thyroids of course.
I have hypothyroidism and have taken lyvoxil (sp?) for the past 9 or 10 years, but stopped taking it in January. I will...
That didn't sound rash. I can't afford to stay here. I only have a very part time job, I've half way tried to find something full time that paid decent, but nothing has come of that the last couple of months. I don't want to ask for any sort of alimony, I don't feel right about that. oh and...
I have never been good at listening to my heart. It is telling me all I need to know. Life IS to short to be unhappy. I should consider it a blessing that we are not being mean to each other and things can be easy on both of us. It just means me stepping out of my comfort zone and living a...
Well, thanks y'all. It sucks that I have no friends, but it's nice that I can turn to complete strangers. Counseling is not an option for him, I guess I really don't like the idea either.
He's not cut out for married life, or so he insists. He doesn't want to do anything that requires...
Haven't updated in a while, but I've lurked a lot. Long story short I haven't moved yet, but will be soon. I'm now feeling very bad about myself. I don't want to stay married and miserable, but I don't want to leave either. He basically feels the same way, he said he doesn't want to be...
I agree with all y'all. Seems the worst part of smoking is all the pesticides they use on the tobacco, and all the additives they use while processing it.
What a good boy. My "neice" Tai, has the same hedgehog as "new" hedgehog. She's very good to her toys also, she also knows them by name. She has a couple that had to get bandaged up because my old rascal of a dog does not take good care of other dogs toys.
Seems like he had a great...
Against my better judgement, I have to ask what you were thinking when you read the op? Did you really think it was all warm and fuzzy towards monsanto? Seems to me you just want to start trouble...
This is retorical... No need to respond.
In my home town on the coast of VA, there was a house that had a giant water serpant in the front yard. It was made where it went in and out of the "water". Very cool, I will look to see if I have a pic stashed away. Words don't do it justice.
I don't have anything helpful to tell you. You just reminded me of how good nag champa smelled. I used to burn that all the time... Just reminising (sp?)
Well, my life is fixin to change drastically. Hubby and I have decided that it would be best for us to seperate. This has been a very hard year for me, and I don't really have many friends to talk to. We've been together for 9 years June 17. We are best friends, but we are not good as...
I had a bunch of contacts I tried to donate, but no place would take them. I never understood why, they were sealed in there little packages, and I'm sure I'm not the only person in the world with that size eye ball and RX... Even doctors offices takes donations of unused meds... :hu
Oh... Fruit leather, duh!! My unit came with two of those special inserts. Looks like it will be plugged in again tomorrow.
What about fruit leather with a little bit of yogurt "marbeling"? Has anyone ever tryed that?
I just got my very first dehydrator and yesterday I dehydrated some apples that were not so fresh... I cut out the brown spots, sliced and dryed. They turned out great. Now I have some watermelon and some cantelope (that has been in the fridge a while) going and am just curious if using less...
we've got two new chicks! Unfortunatly mama hen abandoned her other three eggs and those babies didn't make it. I love having little ones running around, it's so much fun to watch them grow.
We had a great fish supper on Sunday. We went fishing at one of the most beautiful lakes I have...