I won't go into the details of my birthing experience with DD1, but it was bad. Reeeeeaaaaal bad. Fortunately we sort of knew ahead that it was already going south so we knew there could be no home birth so I was at least prepared for that part.
But, they had pumped me full of steroids...
Not saying I approve, I'm just remarking that very few people get up in arms about the government forcing you to buy car insurance or car seats for your kids.........
Make sure you get the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility!!!!!!!
My first birth I was 38 and everything that could go wrong - did. Both DD and I nearly died, so while I am a big proponent of having a natural birth, having medical staff on hand was quite literally a life saver. So I will...
My grandmother had a muslim press that was similar. She would take very thin muslin soaked in starch and press it through. After it dried she would cut the flowers out and they would be decorations for ladies hats and dresses.......
The pieces do fit together quite tightly don't they??
I immediately thought of a pastry shell press, but it seems tight for that too. Then I thought of a muslin press. It looks a tad thick for a muslin press, but it could do.....
Like some one else once said SHTF isn't a big deal unless it happens to you - and for many of us it already HAS hit the fan. It isn't a whole society thing it is one family at a time. It is personal and painful.
During the first depression there were families starving and living in box...
I know very intelligent extremely well educated farmers who are wise in all matters of business. They cannot stand against an outfit like Monsanto. A farmer that refused to use their seed and refused to buy their products found himself endlessly sued over stupid endless stuff. He got audited...
What gov agency isn't in some corp's pocket??? "Hey work for the gov for a few years and we'll give you a cushy job later if you help us while you are in!" Or vice versa.....
Monsanto's costs did not go up, the value of the farmer's product went up so Monsanto decided to take a front end...
That is exactly the problem! It is being so artificially gamed by the insiders and DC that no one else can predict what will happen. It is as if the laws of physics have been suspended.
So I have heard the 2010 debacle will be a major crash in August, but Celente is saying any day now. But he also said it would crash in 09 - well really it did, but it is on life support now soooooo.
Any takers?? When will this puppy keel over? - Again.
Yeah, I know!! I can just see the look on my dog's face as I tried to put such a thing on her!!! We'd be walking around in circles with her going WTF you doing back there???? Then she'd eat it.
I hope that lady actually makes money off of this. For once it will be stupid people with too much money being taken advantage of!!
I cannot imagine what her attitude is toward certain human behavior which is occasionally messy and even sticky if done right! LOL!
BTW - love your siggie
Our Big Lots has trees but I never bought any because they looked so anemic and sad. I had gotten several rose bushes over the years, but only an average of one in three live.... Maybe I am just not getting there soon enough??
"I am sorry, but when I placed the order for the eggs, I anticipated receiving them in a timely manner. Since you do not appear able to fulfill an order for which you have already been paid, I would like a refund of my $______ so that I will be free to place my order elsewhere."
Janet Tavakoli does a great job explaining who what where when and why about much of the financial world - the interview is long! and it is from last year, but it is still the best explanation, in the clearest language naming names and pointing fingers...
My DH has always been very community oriented and we have always taken care of our elderly neighbors. Last year an elderly neighbor had a problem with his septic. The septic guy came out and said his system no longer met code and he would have to replace the entire system. DH and I thought it...
No dictator, not Hitler, not Saddam Hussein, not Pol Pot, none of them can do what they do without the collusion of a good percentage of the population. WWII took many decisions that may seem fore ordained in hindsight, but were by no means given. The US had no intention of joining the war...
As Ladychef pointed out SHTF is really a personal experience. It may not have happened to you but it has already happened to those people living in the tent cities across the US.
Consider checking out Neil Howe and the Fourth Turning. He started talking about the end of this cycle in 1997...
I am at least as qualified to teach as many of my kids teacher's if not more, and my daughter is dyslexic and a very kinesthetic learner so she would probably do very well in a more open environment. So home-schooling is a temptation. So, I do homeschool over the summer months. But, by fall...