Preparedness for SHTF or Mutant Zombie Biker Invasion .. Ready?


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 15, 2009
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Ok, so I am not thread jacking this thread anymore let me open a new topic :) here's my post from that thread.

my preps include a house built out of 8" cement block and furred with wood inside and out, insulated etc. Nothing short of a .50 will punch the block. Windows are another thing hide

I have close to 3/4 mile view around 270 degrees from my 2nd story windows. If TSHTF my house would easily accommodate my friends and relatives who live around me. An armed watch and patrol would run 24/7/365 with com's. (of course an emp would change some of it...) some of the neighbors have a solar bank, some have heavy duty farm equipment, some have the arms and training, some are teachers and mentors. The 7 immediate families on our road plus our extended families could survive.


We would have to isolate and block anyone not from our area from coming through the road or that pesky 75 degree angle I can't cover because it's swampland.... The swampland is where the roving patrols would spend 90 percent of their time. 3 men to act as observation/sniper duty from the 2nd story behind cover, at least 5 on roving patrol...... oh yeah, and we are doing this 24/7 so that means we need at least 24 folks handy with a rifle? Where we live, everyone out here knows how to shoot, the trick is to know how to observe, track and guard.

Guard duty is harder than physical combat. You get tired, you need to relieve yourself you get bored etc. that momentary lapse in concentration and observation can cost everyone their lives. It takes one wacko to toss a grenade or to set a claymore in a well traveled area to take out most of your defenses.

On guns and ammo..... I shoot....... a lot. Whenever I'm in wal-mart, k-mart or whatever regular ole get anything there store I pick up ammo. I shoot more than I should, and less than I need to if that makes any sense?! My actual self defense loads are ballistic-ally similar to my target loads (carbines and pistols) so no worries. My long rifle and Sir Speedy I shoot the real deal, as those would be my main stays if TSHTF.

Food....... I was storing and saving food in 2008. Wife thought I was crazy. Christmas of that year company laid me off till business picked up. They are closing down at the end of this month. I've had almost no income (at least on paper) since jan 1 2009. Been living off my savings. If I had to run out once a week (or more) for food things would be tight. As it is, I had canned tons of food, bought canned goods, filled the freezers in the house, and had enough seeds saved to replenish what I had canned. The cupboards are getting bare, but the growing season is upon me once again!!!!

Water - Living in michigan I am never more than 1/2 a mile from any water source, so instead of storing water, I stock up on water purification tabs and bleach. Either will work if I don't feel like boiling all the time.\

TP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - If you don't have it, stock up or find a reusable source (think cloth diapers etc) and a way to wash them. Where I live snow covers the land for a long time. I cant just grab a leaf every time I go outside to the privy.

Communications.... provided an EMP didn't fry everything.. Solar recharged secure coms aren't that hard to find. Same with night vision goggles, and any number of non verbal communications that the sniper/observation teams could read and convey.

For medicinal purposes such as suturing wounds... I have more than a first aid kit smile I have a small field surgury kit, and although I don't know how to use all of it, nor do everything I would in an emergency, I am learning a little bit at a time. The old vet at the end of our road would probably do good enough to round off what the community needs better than me anyways!

Medicine ------- Ok, this is tricky. I have heart issues. I am on blood thinners to the extreme. so of course I can stock up on this stuff, but it's only good for so long. This has led me to read up on natural remedies. Instead of my morning pot of coffee, I'd have my morning pot of willowbark tea sickbyc PS, in my readings I've also found that there are natural alternatives to insulin......... Doesn't work for everybody but just saying... Better than going without no?

Training and Skills - I have some, my neighbors have some, and others have some. Everyone in our little mini-community would have a role, and in a SHTF scenario we would all be cross training each other to do at least 3-4 jobs. Everyone who wasn't up on patrol would be watching the kids, educating and teaching the kids, doing the domestic chores, watching after our elders (who by the way have a treasure trove of knowledge we'd be dummies to loose) and learning from them.

I know there is a lot more to it than that, but although on the other boards nifty owns folks think of me as the crazy gun guy, I am just the crazy prepared guy. It has worked with me so far...... and thats with a household of 11

Now as far as long term food storage if you plan on staying in your area, or for stocking up your bug out location I found a pretty good site that shows long term food storage and techniques for rotating food in and out. For .70$ a day everybody can put up food for hard times.

How are you prepared in the broadest sense?


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
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Urban Idaho.
I'm glad Boyd plans on staying put and not raiding the countryside. I would hate to defend against him. ;)


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 15, 2009
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dacjohns said:
I'm glad Boyd plans on staying put and not raiding the countryside. I would hate to defend against him. ;)
you wouldn't have to defend against me. A raider mentality I have not :) Besides Dacs, you and the fam have the invite to head this a way if/when it happens :)


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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i'd take him on... i gotta loaded gander and i know how to use it!

hey Boyd - glad to so you here.. sorry about your birds. only one thing left to do know.. get yourself some pigs.


actually i was going to say... i remember you said you'd been storing food and it really helped when you were laid off. we are kinda in the same-ish boat. my man has been off work for almost a year but we grow what we eat, eat what we grow.. and its really saved our bacon.

i dont even think you need a mutant zombie biker invasion... just a lotta bad economic stuff. guess they arent laughing now, huh?


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 15, 2009
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ohiofarmgirl said:
i'd take him on... i gotta loaded gander and i know how to use it!

hey Boyd - glad to so you here.. sorry about your birds. only one thing left to do know.. get yourself some pigs.


actually i was going to say... i remember you said you'd been storing food and it really helped when you were laid off. we are kinda in the same-ish boat. my man has been off work for almost a year but we grow what we eat, eat what we grow.. and its really saved our bacon.

i dont even think you need a mutant zombie biker invasion... just a lotta bad economic stuff. guess they arent laughing now, huh?
No they aren't!!! The only thing preventing me to stay "retired" is my house isn't paid off. If it was, I could go on like this for a while :)

Long term food storage was something that I think our culture has lost. I remember my grandpa sitting on the porch with big baskets of butter beans. A small radio played baseball off some AM station, and snapped beans, talked politics, discussed the crops, what is working in their kitchen garden, what isn't, are the white sox going to win the world series again? And my job? To run the beans in to grandma :) It was a family affair.

This year I plan to double to triple the size of my garden :hide Because I had enough of one to provide for us, but I could have easily put away much much more. I am down to my last 9 or 10 jars I think :)


Sustainable Newbie
Aug 27, 2009
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morganton, ga
love this thread! what natural alternatives have you found for insulin out of curiosity? This is our only hurdle that we havent been able to figure out for the zombie attack... I'm a type 1 and gotta have it to live. I figure i could make it 2 mos tops after my supply runs out... i'm glad we arent the only ones who run thru zombie attlack scenarios :lol:

On Our own

Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 21, 2009
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Like some one else once said SHTF isn't a big deal unless it happens to you - and for many of us it already HAS hit the fan. It isn't a whole society thing it is one family at a time. It is personal and painful.

During the first depression there were families starving and living in box shacks and families doing just dandy thank you very much. Same is true now.

Difference now: the government had a budget surplus AND better still a trade surplus in 1930. We ain't got neither now.....


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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yep. we're out there bustin' it now.. we need to get this soil into grow-able condition. we have horrid clay soil - good thing that we have some much compost from the hen house!

we have a pretty good size garden but definitely need more growing room. we'll try and do some grains this year.

and yes definitely everyone needs to learn to 'put food by'... i'm going to be cranking on the canning this year.


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 15, 2009
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ems_chick said:
love this thread! what natural alternatives have you found for insulin out of curiosity? This is our only hurdle that we havent been able to figure out for the zombie attack... I'm a type 1 and gotta have it to live. I figure i could make it 2 mos tops after my supply runs out... i'm glad we arent the only ones who run thru zombie attlack scenarios :lol:

the are others but this one seems to have some science around it. Not just old wives tales.


Survival Chef
Jul 21, 2009
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How are you prepared in the broadest sense?
Hi, Boyd. I don't believe we have been properly introduced. My name is Kris and I am a nearly 60-yo grandmother from California. I am partially disabled, self-employed at home, and have a monthly net income of right at $1100. I am in the middle of a year-long experiment in austerity, such that after I pay my bills, I live on about $12.50 a week.

I began prepping last spring by simply buying a few extra cans of food a week. This has expanded. Since you have been here for a year, which is about as long as I have, you may have seen some of the pictures I have posted of my progress in prepping/self-sufficiency.

I live in a run down house in a low income neighborhood, on the corner of two busy streets. Thus, I have no illusions about defense. However, I am prepared to do so, simply because I must. That is as much as I will say on that.

For many reasons, I will be bugging in, so I do not have a BOB or BOV.

I have removed five trees this year (have a very substantial stack of firewood), clearing my yard for two large gardens, which are currently being planted. I have not been able to afford heriloom seeds for storage. That's an issue....

At this point, I have actually lost count of the food and water storage. When TSHTF, I will have eight people to feed, hydrate and care for. I believe I could do that for close to a year without any trouble.

I have canned, dehydrated and frozen a significant amount of food, much of which I obtained free from local sources. I have a number of 5 gallon buckets of vacuum sealed beans and rice, powdered milk, etc.

I have established multiple heat and cooking methods, including propane, charcoal, wood, solar and rocket stove. I am experimenting with making biomass briquettes. I am building a cob oven. This summer, I will also be experimenting with underground cooking. As finances allow, I will be building a solar generator. I have made and stockpiled several hundred firestarters (egg cartons, sawdust, dryer lint and wax).

I have some gaps in my preps, mainly due to finances. As that situation improves, I will obtain some form of water purification. Right now, I have a drip system, but over time I will need something more substantial. There is a city stream less than a mile away, but the water will need significant purification.

I have stockpiled untold rolls of toilet paper by removing the paper core and flattening the rolls into storage boxes (lined with trash bags). I believe I have upwards of 400 rolls now. A lesser number of paper towels.

I have a solar/hand crank multifunction radio as well as three solar/crank lanterns. I have cases of candles, cleaning supplies, bleach, alcohol, vinegar, personal hygiene products, and so on; the comfort items one might not think of stockpiling.

I have all manner of power tools, with their mates in manual tools. And just in case we can't stay in town, I also have a complete set of camping gear and could house and feed up to 16 people comfortably.

I know this is a lightweight prep inventory compared to those who can afford the good stuff, but I do feel a lot safer than I would if I weren't doing anything at all.