Glad it's just allergies and that you're all feeling better. :) Sorry about the ducks. :( But, yay! for fishing! I haven't been fishing since before my dad passed. That was one of our favorite things to do together. That and going to watch the Angels play baseball!
Pinky, I can so relate to the finance issues! It's boggles the mind how much these companies charge for their services or products. And if you live in rural areas, as so many of us do, they can really stick it to us because we have so few alternatives. I want to get a smartphone, but I refuse...
I'm glad to hear your test results came back "normal", but I'll never believe that YOU are normal!! :lol:
I was really hoping that you might have an exciting bear sighting story! Maybe you should have taken a pic-a-nic basket, BooBoo! :lau
It's so weird... I had a dream that I was flying. I felt this rushing feeling and saw some crazy woman a few miles ahead of me waving at someone on the ground... Next thing I knew I was somewhere out over the Atlantic and had a craving for Disco Fries!! :gig
Almost needed one last year! Luckily, the flood turned down the road and cut through the property next door. We were, however, unable to get out to the main road for several days. Had to have someone come and re-grade the road!
But, I use all cornbread, made a few days ahead preferably and pork sausage!! :drool I put all the seasonings in the cornbread when I bake it and cook the onion and celery with the sausage.
We love our snakes out here! Well, except for the rattlers!! I have been thinking about making an area that is snake friendly out in back of the storage to try to keep the squirrel population down. I haven't yet seen too many lizards, and not a single Desert Iguana yet. They are really cool...
I'm so glad we don't have to deal with humidity out here for most of the summer and that there is usually a steady light breeze because of the way we are situated in this basin.
Now, come late July/early August we'll be in monsoon season and the humidity will be ridiculous!! Not to mention...
More great pics!! I am so jealous of all that green and the lake! I'm also jonesin' for a camera!! I would love to build a house like "The Dogtrot." The breezeway design is something I've always liked! Is that smaller house part of the same property? It's pretty cool too!
Well we survived!! The wind was crazy!! Not a lot of rain, but boy was it cold and windy!! I thought I had tied everything down pretty well, but this morning I had to go retrieve the dog's travel kennel and some chicken wire that had gotten blown several hundred feet toward the back of the...
The wind and rain are here!! I made sure that everything was tied down or put away. I don't want to have to go on a scavenger hunt in the morning!! All but 1 of the chickens thought it might be a good idea to sleep inside tonight. Crazy Bird!! :gig