Originally from Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)... Africa. Immigrated to Australia in 1992 as conditions over there were frightening and unbelieveable. Have been very happy in OZ over the years but like everywhere the cost of living is just creeping up and up. My hubby Graham and myself are recent pensioners and that makes it even harder to survive. Thank goodness we bought a 20 acre block of rural land and over the years have slowly been developing it... eg. all the fencing had to be replaced plus we put in 2 lots fencing to partition off for keeping a couple of sheep, a couple of goats and maybe a cow and calf! Also have made friends with the next door neighbor who has 250 acres by the name of Harry... who said, we could if we wanted to, use quite a big area for putting a crop in.
Hmmmm..... decisions and decisions. Anyway up until now have planted 50 fruit trees... which are doing very well. Put up a number of sheds plus 3 large water tanks and will soon be putting down a bore hole and building a water reservior. Also slowly building a small house to accommodate us both plus 3 dogs and a tabby cat. Cannot wait to move over from the farm where we are at the moment working and have been here 7 years... hubby is a diesel mechanic and also drives all the huge farm machinery etc etc. We want to be completely self sufficient in everyway and so when I came across this site.... I jumped
for joy as I'm sure we will learn a lot and hopefully make lots of friends.