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  1. CheerioLounge

    Dawn419 & doc's LSTA: Confounded Computer!!!

    I always seem to miss those killer deals!! It wouldn't have mattered in this case, cuz I didn't have the money either!! :/ And I am sooooooo envious of all that green!!! :lol:
  2. CheerioLounge

    New from Texas

    :frow Welcome from the California high desert!
  3. CheerioLounge

    SSDreamin Blessings and curses

    :hugs I understand the fear and uncertainty. Been through cancer myself. But, there is no sense in getting yourself all worked up. It may not even be cancer! I've known 2 women who had the same sort of experience and it turned out to be nothing. I can't remember what they called what was...
  4. CheerioLounge

    Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

    Happy Birthday!! :clap :hugs Hope the weather holds for you! :thumbsup
  5. CheerioLounge

    New to this forum today!

    :welcome from the California high desert! :frow Would love to get off-grid someday!
  6. CheerioLounge

    CheerioLounge - Desert Dreamin'

    She's cool... The last time she came out, she brought 3 bags of goodies from the Japanese market. All the good stuff we used to get in Hawaii! :drool
  7. CheerioLounge

    CheerioLounge - Desert Dreamin'

    Yeah, it beats throwing a tantrum!! :rant :gig We're going to be having company this weekend. A friend from Long Beach is coming out to celebrate her birthday with us. She wants to go gamble and we have several casinos out this way. I hope she has money, cuz we don't!! I'll bake her a...
  8. CheerioLounge

    CheerioLounge - Desert Dreamin'

    At least the girls got some great protein for a while! :D And it certainly wasn't the worst thing I ever wasted $20 on! :P
  9. CheerioLounge

    Bee~ Journal of then...

    Rudy sure is a handsome fella!! :)
  10. CheerioLounge

    Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?

    Not til I'm sure I know what I'm doing......
  11. CheerioLounge

    Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?

    Bummer about the ducks... all my mealworms died too! :/
  12. CheerioLounge

    CheerioLounge - Desert Dreamin'

    Well, the mealworm farming experiment was an epic fail. :( Put them in the dehydrator that I rigged up, dropped in a slice of potato and a couple of pieces of bread and all seemed good. Checked on them this morning and it apparently had gotten cold enough overnight that they sort of went...
  13. CheerioLounge

    Dawn419 & doc's LSTA: Confounded Computer!!!

    Dawn you are killing me with these pics!! I am so wanting a camera!! :P Bubba waking up Doc looks like the way my Sole used to wake me up! He's so old he can't jump up on the bed anymore. :(
  14. CheerioLounge

    Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

    Great score Pinky!! :clap I love daylilies!
  15. CheerioLounge

    making basic stuffing

    Definitely use the stock from the neck, etc. If I don't use sausage I cook up the giblets and they go in the stuffing/dressing. That is if I can control myself and not eat the good parts! They are the best parts of the bird!! IMHO....
  16. CheerioLounge


    :frow Welcome from the California high desert!
  17. CheerioLounge

    Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?

    Sounds nice! Just what you needed.... :hugs
  18. CheerioLounge

    SSDreamin Blessings and curses

    I think "normal" is a pretty relative term anyway! ;) What exactly is normal? And I thought Jellystone Park was in Michigan, no? :P