I did not want this comment to go unremarked. I have often come back to it and read it again. I still don't have a witty retort. ;) But I AM letting it sink in.
Cassandra :love
A few years ago, I switched from a regular keyboard to ergo split keyboards. My typing speed went up about 10 wpm in a short time! I really love those and now typing on a regular flat keyboard feels very awkward. I just hope I get used to this DCK. I am still missing keys and hitting the...
I would do what you have decided to do. Take my surprise and get my fence, too. LOL
I have to admit my first thought, though. I had gotten a ball park estimate to chainlink fence in my 2 acre yard. It would have cost about $18,000. So of course, having nothing else to compare it to, the first...
I love project gutenburg. There is also a website that has the complete works of shakespear available to read.
The computer is an Acer Extensa. I think it is this model here...
Yay! This is my first post from my new computer. (Wow. It just autocorrected as I am typing this post!)
John has been trying to talk me into a notebook (laptop) computer for years, knowingly I secretly and not so secretly wanted one. And I finally got one. It is sort of a Christmas present...
I really wish he wouldn't smoke, but I know more than anyone that being nagged about something doesn't help you stop doing it. John's dad died of cancer when John was 10 years old. I am truly and deeply mortified by the possibility of being left alone with a young kid.
The sneaking around...
Thirty five years! :bow
My first husband meeting.
I was hitchhiking down a very dark and scary deserted stretch of highway about ten thirty at night. A guy, Ron and his cousin Brenda stopped to pick me up. They asked where I was going. I told them and they said they weren't going that way...
mrs.puff, I wonder if we are getting our onions from the same place?! Mine have all been rotting the last few months, too. I told John I'm just going to have to start buying them and cutting most of them up to store in the freezer. Because I get to use the first one, then the next one I pull out...
I don't know anything to do except just eat them raw.
They are time consuming in the way that sunflower seeds in the shell are time consuming. I think some people develop a knack for this and some don't. For example I can put a handful of sunflower seeds in my mouth, shell them with my teeth...
I got me some of those flat dutch cabbage seeds to plant this weekend and some bibb lettuce.
I asked the poor guy at the feed store what I could grow. And he said pretty much any of the greens.
I bought about a dollars worth of seeds of each kind and he said, "you know this is a lot of seeds...
Oh, this is an old thread. I did an experiment that is relevant, so wanted to post it here.
A few nights ago, it was supposed to get down into the upper 20's F here. I talked my husband into us leaving the heat off all night. I wanted to see how cold it would get. He's like "You're nuts!" and I...
punkin, you are my hero! Twenty years seems like such a gosh awful long time. LOL I hope I do as well as you.
Long time ago, before the internet made it to Mississippi, we had local BBS's. A woman named Judy had eight 2400 baud modems in a back room of her brothers sporting goods store. It was...
The patandchickens one. She hasn't posted in about a week.
Not that she is obligated, of course! Did she go on vacation or something and I missed the *Official Notification*
Just hoping all is well with her.
He BETTER be scared of me!! :lol:
What got me so riled up about the smoking was that the people he works with know he smokes and know he was keeping it from me which I find grossly disrespectful.
I asked him what if I start bringing boyfriends to work or family functions when he's not there...