I just printed out that list of when stuff is supposed to be planted. There is a lot of stuff listed for next month! That surprises me that we are supposed to plant things like carrots, lettuce, onions, and Irish potatoes in January! (for the spring season, I mean.)
I have to get started a lot...
I was in Fred's (a discount/dollar store) the other day and saw a woman I have seen a few times through work. I couldn't remember her name, but I know she is a realtor.
There is a shop in our town called Sisters By Design. It's one of those silly little gift shops that have really indulgent...
I laught at myself about that exact same thing ALL THE TIME!! While I'm stuffing myself on chips or cookies or Rollo's or :pop or whatever I would never dream of giving such things to my dogs or chickens! It's so bad for them! :sick
Ohhhhhh Yeah. I totally want to try sprouting. I've been looking for a cheap sprouter.
Our weather doesn't get very cold much, either. During the winter we will have maybe several days (spread out over a few months) where the temps get freezing or below. Occassionally into the high twenties. I...
We have been buying a lot of inexpensive food for economical food storage and nutrition. The problem is, none of it is very fresh and green.
I was at a grocery store several days ago to get something and saw these two bags of salad (one was a BLT Caesar sald and the other a bag of spinach...
LOL I thought the whole point of stringing popcorn on your christmas tree was so the birds could eat it later.
I would grind it up if I had a grinder. But I am really liking the idea of popcorn balls!
I won't buy any more of it, though. The popcorn air popper was a waste of money. I...
I have a Kenmore that cost me about a hundred bucks. I was just looking for something to mend clothes, mainly and that is what I have used it for. It works great for that. It has a few specialty functions, but I have never even looked at them.
When I was growing up, I was taught to sew by hand...
We bought a bag of popcorn kernels a while back and didn't finish them all. John decided he didn't like it as well as the microwave kind. lol
Can I do anything with the left over kernels? It's not enough to try to grind it or anything. (I don't have the equipment to do that anyway.) Just a...
Well, first, obviously check for ordinances and laws in your area. I think in most places in the country the age where children can be left alone is 10, but I have heard of places where it was older.
Personally, I would feel fine leaving them alone if they were mine... under some circumstances...
I bought a few... spools (or whatever you call them) of carpet yarn. I didn't know what it was. It was just in a plastic bag full of odds & ends craft supplies that I bought for a couple of dollars at the thrift store.
I thought it was regular yarn, but when I got it home, I realized it was...
Oh, I am pretty sure he is just grumpy. LOL :hugs
I makes a lots of gramatological errors. I will keep him busy for sure. But most of the time, I does them on purpose.
(Hey, I like that little chair smiley. That one is cute!)
I have a metal half keg that I sit on to watch the chickens. It's a very comfy seat. I haven't been able to the last two days either because of the rain. We had tornado warnings in my county within the last hour (several miles south of me, though.)
Here is the worm between a US quarter and a Canadian $2 coin. Sorry my camera will not do better detail. (time for a new one!)
Ok, so this worm is a bit dried out. It has been dead a couple of days. While alive, he was longer and more purely white. He had a black dot at one end and a thin black...
My tree will have to go up this weekend. It's the only time I have between now and Christmas to put it up. It's such a pain. I hate fooling with it. But the little ones loves it so.
It is an artificial tree. John will not even consider a live tree. When I was a kid we used to go cut our tree...