I think I'll skip the dirt :lol:
Newspaper sounds like it would work, but my siamese would interpret that to mean he could pee on any newspaper anywhere in the house, I know how his devilish mind works (what little of it there is). He taught himself a variation of toilet training, he uses the...
Oh Punkin, I laughed so hard, no one has ever said that to me before!
Your cinnamon bread is beautiful, I havn't made that in years. I guess DH deserves a treat sometime soon...
The bun recipe:
about 2 cups soy milk unsweetened
1 egg
splash of canola oil
about 2/3 cup white flour
Here is another favorite: burger buns. These are a very nutritious bread made partly with barley flour and soy milk, brushed with an egg wash and sprinkled with sesame seeds. This shape bread is my favorite for the freezer. I just put two to a bag (or enough for your family) and have them for...
Be careful, there is a warning on my grinder "never grind popcorn". Aparently it is so hard it can damage machines. Other than that the meal should be fine.
I don't know how true this is today, although I hope it is... around 40 years ago the kids in school followed me off the bus to beat me up just for remaining silent. In those days bullying was tolerated and condoned by many parents and schools. If you didn't attend one of the Christian...
Is anyone here growing their own mushrooms? I would really like to have a go at it, but need more info. Our climate is generally so dry that we rarely see any mushrooms in the wild. I am envious of those of you who can eat from the wild!
Me too, as a child and teen I always dreamed of being a pioneer woman. Later that dream had to be modified. If I was a pioneer woman I would have died a young death in labor with my first child. I never dialated past 4 centimeters, for days, and she was 8lb. 4 oz.. I was with a HMO and they...
Well I don't want the job of moderator, because I am self aware enough to realize that one of my faults is being thin skinned. Having said that, I was actually trying to be the voice of an unofficial moderator. I didn't ask you to not post your views on the politics, but I was asking for you...
May I respectfully say that I found this comment disturbing from a moderator. This thread has been amaziing in that this group has a diversity of backgrounds, ideas etc., and yet there has not been flaming or other nasties that would shut it down. Your comment can be taken, as was by...
Guilty as charged! :lol:
When I was in college the dumpster diving was great, people would move out and throw away the most amazing things. I still have some of them to this day!
In my town now there are not a lot of opportunities, and what there are are used by people a lot more hard up than...
Thanks for the recipe keljonma, I made the green tomato relish yesterday. We froze Sunday night, and I have a lot of green tomatoes, pretty peppers and red onions. I have never made anything like this before. It wasn't so hard with a food processor. I had to scrounge every colander and put...
First off BOTH candidates are big government types. It is just the way politics have evolved in this country. They have to have huge taxes on both sides to pay for war, bailouts etc. There is no way either candidate would or could have small government. The distinctions are not as great as...
I want to respectfully ask a question of the people here who oppose Obama, please this is not intended as a flame or to incite, I am just really curious.
I read a lot in your posts about the state's rights, abortion, taxes etc. as part of your intent not to vote for him... but is there any part...
I have the sister mixer to yours! It was given to my Mom in the 50's as a wedding present. You can just barely see enough of the letters on it to still tell it is a Hamilton Beach.
Does anyone remember the line from The Rocky Horror Picture Show when Frankenfurter says - "always reach for a...
Today hummm....
up at 4:45, coffee and cuddles with DH
fried home grown eggs and homemade bread and jam for breakfast
clean chicken coop
walk as one among bucks, does, fawns, bunnies, quail, doves and ravens
make mayo and pack lunch
put out sun tea
homemade yogurt and banana shake for morning...
I am tired of buying kitty litter, it seems an unnecessary expense. Plus I try to conserve so I scoop for too long without changing it out and my siamese rebells by leaving gifts in other locations. :o
The cats do use a pile of pea gravel in the back yard, so I am wondering what could be mixed...
So true...
and I will say that I am afraid of Palin because of this. She is very set that her "view of the way the world shoud be" is the only right way to view the world. She has shown that she will be a bit extreme to make sure she her views are translated into "laws of behavior" for all of...